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Star Blade developers reveal more appearance and updates and discuss sequels

Time: 2024-05-29 05:44:52
  • Source: 3DM Compilation
  • Author: landother
  • Edit: landother

Shift Up, the developer of Star Blade, revealed more packages and future content updates, and discussed plans for the sequel.

 Star Blade developers reveal more appearance and updates and discuss sequels

In an interview with Fami Connect, Jin Hengtai, director of Star Blade, was asked whether the game would provide more packages for Eve in the future. In his response, he said that Shift Up really plans to add more clothes after the update on May 24, 2024, and has a long-term plan to continue to provide new content.

When answering the question about whether photo mode will appear in future updates, Jin Hengtai said that the development team is interested in implementing this function. However, the development team hopes to improve this function, which requires more time. The team is studying how to make the mode rich in functions. He also said that there would be many "interesting" updates to Shift Up in the future, but he did not disclose any details.

Jin Hengtai was also asked about the possibility of a sequel to Star Blade. He replied that the development team is currently studying different ways to achieve the sequel. For example, he mentioned that the sequel can be a supplement to the main story or world view, or it can be a completely different work. According to him, the studio is still evaluating these factors to decide what to provide and describe in the sequel.

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  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Sony
  • sale: 2024-04-26
  • development: Shift up
  • Language: Simple Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Other
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: science fiction Heroine

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