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The developers of Star Blade released mysterious information suggesting that there will be new news next week

Time: 2024-05-18 10:02:16
  • Source: InsiderGaming
  • Author: 3dm compilation
  • Edit: Bursting fungi

The action game Star Blade was exclusively released on PS5 on April 26, and received very positive responses and wide acclaim. This game has won the favor of global players through its "interesting playing method" (as well as the design of characters).

 The developers of Star Blade released mysterious information suggesting that there will be new news next week

The game developer ShiftUp recently posted a picture preview on Twitter, saying that new news would be released next week, but did not explain what type of new news was.

Star Blade is obviously planning to update. A few weeks ago, ShiftUp We also confirmed that we have started to develop a new game. So whether this new news is really related to Star Blade is still unknown.

 The developers of Star Blade released mysterious information suggesting that there will be new news next week

In the comments on Twitter, many fans are already guessing what the new news will be. Considering that the picture seems to show the Boss in the game, this may be the "continuous Boss challenge" mode, which the developer has previously said is under development. Some players speculate that this is likely to be in camera mode.

On the other hand, many fans speculate that it may be a physical statue for collection.

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  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Sony
  • sale: 2024-04-26
  • development: Shift up
  • Language: Simple Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Other
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: science fiction Heroine

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