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Entertainment Software Association statistics: 60% of Americans play games for at least one hour a week

Time: 2024-05-17 10:21:31
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  • Author: 3dm compilation
  • Edit: Bursting fungi

According to the latest statistics of the American Entertainment Software Association (ESA), in 2023, 190 million people in the United States will play video games at least one hour a week.

 Entertainment Software Association statistics: 60% of Americans play games for at least one hour a week

The association's The basic fact report of the video game industry in 2024 is integrated in the The survey conducted by YouGov in October 2023 includes data of 5000 respondents.

The survey found that the average age of American players is 36 years old, and the average age of adult players playing games is nearly 20 years.

Under investigation, there are 53% of respondents are male, 46% Of the respondents were women. Prior to The survey data in 2022 are similar. 38% % of the players are colored, which is more than the data of the previous year 1/3。

56% of adults over the age of 18 said they often played games, but the number of players was still the largest among the generation aged 5 to 10, reaching 79%.

ESA also reviewed the association in its report Various important events of the 30th anniversary, including the past Sales growth of the game industry in the past 25 years. two thousand and two In, consumer spending in the game industry was 11.7 billion dollars, but it has risen to US $57.2 billion.

Stanley Pierre Louis, president and CEO of the Association, said: "Video games have become part of the life and culture of several generations of Americans. Players of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are embracing video games to bring enthusiasm to their lives."

"Although the games we play and the way we play them have changed over time, what is consistent is how video games can improve our lives by inspiring us and bringing us closer."


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