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Apple Squeeze Toothpaste! IPhone upgrade roadmap: 12G memory folding screen is coming

Time: 2024-05-15 18:30:24
  • Source: Fast technology
  • Author: snowflake
  • Edit: liyunfei

On May 15, it was reported that a blogger has now exposed Apple's roadmap for the next iPhone update, which spans from 2023 to 2027.

According to the details of the roadmap, the memory of iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus launched by Apple this year will be upgraded from 6GB to 8GB, while the memory of the Pro series will remain unchanged.

In addition, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max is equipped with a larger screen size. The former is expected to increase from 6.1 to 6.3 inches, while the latter is expected to increase from 6.7 inches to 6.9 inches.

 Apple Squeeze Toothpaste! IPhone upgrade roadmap: 12G memory folding screen is coming

Next year (2025), the iPhone SE will be updated with a 6.1 inch display and a 48 megapixel camera.

As for the folding screen that everyone cares about, it is expected to be updated in 2026. The outer screen size is 6 inches, and the inner screen size is 8 inches. The iPhone 18 Pro model will be equipped with a face under the display screen ID, etc.

Apple may release AR glasses or foldable iPad products in 2027, which is also expected for a long time.

Finally, let's talk about the memory that many fans complain about. Apple is much slower than Android in this respect. This year, iPhone 16 The whole system is equipped with 8GB of memory as standard, and it will not be 12GB of memory until 2025. Looking back at the current flagship of Android

 Apple Squeeze Toothpaste! IPhone upgrade roadmap: 12G memory folding screen is coming


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