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The launch of PS5 exclusive game Star Blade ignited the Seoul shopping mall

Time: 2024-05-13 06:24:32
  • Source: YouTube
  • Author: 3DM finishing
  • Edit: so-and-so

The highly anticipated PS5 exclusive action game "Star Blade" recently held a grand sales commemoration in the mall in Seoul, South Korea, which triggered a warm response from many local players.

Live video:

It is reported that the site not only displayed the exquisite models of the protagonist EVE and other game characters, but also provided a trial experience for players. The well-known Korean video bloggers also participated in this activity in person and shared the wonderful moments of the scene.

 The launch of PS5 exclusive game Star Blade ignited the Seoul shopping mall

From the video of the blogger, we can see that there is an endless stream of players participating in the activity, and many people are excited about this long-awaited game. In addition to displaying role models, there are also cosplay performances and other entertainment links on the scene, making the whole sale ceremony full of happy atmosphere.

As a PS5 exclusive work, Star Blade has already attracted the attention of players with its excellent action design and gorgeous visual effects. Now, in this grand launch commemorative event, players' expectations of this game have reached a peak.

Star Blade will be officially released on May 26.

six point seven
already existing one hundred and sixty-four Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Sony
  • sale: 2024-04-26
  • development: Shift up
  • Language: Simple Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Other
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: science fiction Heroine

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