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Players called for boycott of the game after Sony removed the PC version of Ghost of Falklands

Time: 2024-05-11 21:54:16
  • Source: tech4gamers
  • Author: 3DM Compilation
  • Edit: Beans

This year, Sony originally did a very good job in porting the first game to the PC, including Horizon: The West's Dead End, and later《 Yes, the ghost of Ma Island 》Recently, there was a rumor that the PC version of Ares: Dusk of the Gods was about to be officially announced. However, when the whole puzzle was about to be completed, Sony almost destroyed it by itself.

 Players called for boycott of the game after Sony removed the PC version of Ghost of Falklands

Recently, PlayStation tried to force the Steam version of Jedi Submarine 2 to be associated with the PSN account, and this game originally performed very well on PC. As expected, the work was bombed by bad comments on Steam and threatened with a refund. Just when things seemed to calm down, Sony triggered another wave of anger.

In order to implement the PlayStation account, Sony has removed Ghost of Falklands from more than 180 countries and regions This decision has aroused the anger of fans, and many people call for a comprehensive boycott. Not long ago, Sony removed the game from Steam in 177 countries and regions, most of which do not support PSN accounts.

 Players called for boycott of the game after Sony removed the PC version of Ghost of Falklands

On Steam Forum, some players posted a post protesting against this unreasonable act of Sony, calling on Steam players to unite against Sony's high-pressure policy.

He wrote: "Sony deliberately deprives most players in more than 170 countries of the right to enjoy the most beautiful games by forcing PSN registration. However, if the game is not taken away from honest players who have waited for a long time and bought the game, everything will become so clear. Therefore, only by uniting can we resist this practice, give bad comments on their games, leave angry comments, and directly challenge them. So that we can take back our rights! "

In addition, the Steam forum is also full of users who are dissatisfied with refunds. Despite the new restrictions, many PC users still want to experience this game. In order to solve this problem, we hope to see Sony take action as quickly as last week.

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  • Type: Action Role
  • Issued by: SIE
  • sale: 2024-05-16(PC)
  • development: Sucker Punch
  • Language: English | Japanese
  • Platform: PC PS4 PS5
  • label: Realistic history solar system

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