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Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is the fourth most popular game in America this year

Time: 2024-05-02 11:20:13
  • Source: 3DM Compilation
  • Author: druiber
  • Edit: newtype2001

According to Circana's data on US video game consumption in March 2024, "Dragon's Creed 2" and "Jedi Submarine 2" have shown strong performance. The second part of the highly anticipated trilogy Final Fantasy 7: Reprint《 Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth 》It is currently ranked fourth in the annual best seller list in the United States.

Although Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth ranked second in February, it fell to seventh place in March. Analyst and Executive Director Matt Piscatella also revealed that among all the works of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth ranked 14th in the historical sales of the US market. The top three are Final Fantasy 15, Final Fantasy 7: Reprint and the original Final Fantasy 7.

 Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is the fourth most popular game in America this year

Although Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has a strong sales volume and is widely praised, it is reported that its sales volume is only about half of that of the previous film in the same period, which also caused some concerns. Scovill Enix has not yet provided official sales data. The sequel is currently under development. The team plans to start dubbing as soon as possible and hopes to complete the development within three years.

five point six
already existing two hundred and thirteen Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Scoville Enix
  • sale: 2024-02-29
  • development: Scoville Enix
  • Language: Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Japanese | Multinational
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: Magic solar system plot

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