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NPD analysts suggest that Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has poor sales in the US

Time: 2024-05-01 11:22:41
  • Source: 3DM Compilation
  • Author: druiber
  • Edit: newtype2001

NPD analyst Matt Piscatella suggested that Scoville Enix's action role playing game《 Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth 》Sales in the United States are poor.

Piscatella, the executive director and video game industry analyst of Circana (NPD), tweeted that he would release an update on the sales of the new series on Wednesday, suggesting that he meant Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. However, his post was accompanied by Ralph's "I'm in danger" expression pack in The Simpsons, which further implied that the sales of the game in the United States were lower than expected. But the tweet has now been deleted.

Piscatella is not the first analyst to suggest that the sales of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth are disappointing. Recently, Daniel, research director of Niko Partners Ahmad also said that the sales of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth were lower than expected. He added that the sales volume of the game was only about half of that of Final Fantasy 7: Reproducing, and its subsequent sales might not be ideal. The information he mentioned comes from the stock research report, whose data are derived from conventional statistical tools.

 NPD analysts suggest that Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has poor sales in the US

The sales updates from these two analysts undoubtedly disappointed fans of Final Fantasy 7, and raised concerns about the future of the series. This is surprising because the game received positive reviews from the game media. At present, its score on Metacritical is 92, which is the highest score of the stand-alone version of Final Fantasy series in the past 20 years.

five point six
already existing two hundred and thirteen Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Scoville Enix
  • sale: 2024-02-29
  • development: Scoville Enix
  • Language: Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Japanese | Multinational
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: Magic solar system plot

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