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The platinum trophy bug of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth will be fixed in the next version

Time: 2024-04-05 10:42:56
  • Source: 3DM Compilation
  • Author: druiber
  • Edit: newtype2001

Scoville Enix's《 Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth 》It is a work with extremely exaggerated duration. According to third-party statistics, it takes about 100 hours to pass the game (132 hours for perfectionists). However, if you haven't unlocked the coveted platinum trophy, it may be because of a Stop Won't Stop ".

The recent game upgrade file caused this bug, and the high scores players obtained in the G-Bike mini game could not be recorded correctly. Therefore, even if the player has completed all other contents, he cannot continue with other tasks and unlock the platinum trophy. Scoville Ennis acknowledged the existence of the bug and confirmed that it would be fixed in the "next patch".

 The platinum trophy bug of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth will be fixed in the next version

At present, the specific launch time of the patch is not clear. If the player can't wait and has a physical version of the game, you can bypass the bug by deleting and reinstalling the game (without installing the latest updates). Otherwise, you will have to wait patiently for the official release of the patch.

Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has now landed on the PS5 platform.

five point six
already existing two hundred and ten Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Scoville Enix
  • sale: 2024-02-29
  • development: Scoville Enix
  • Language: Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Japanese | Multinational
  • Platform: PS5
  • label: Magic solar system plot

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