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Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

Time: 2021-09-24 09:48:10
  • Source: Official website
  • Author: 3DM Compilation
  • Edit: ocarina

Nintendo announced its《 Mario Golf: Super Sprint 》This free update will be launched today, with 2 new roles and new venues added.

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

·New series《 Mario Golf: Super Sprint will support playing golf with up to four local players or online players, and select friends from the Super Mario series (such as Mario, Peach, Yaoxi, etc.) to play golf together. The modes range from standard golf to dynamic speed golf to exciting golf adventure.

·The latest update of Mario Golf: Super Sprint Ver 3.0.0 Main contents:

New Role:

Knock Knock. Knock, the little green tortoise, has extremely agile speed and special ability to change direction freely in sprint.

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

Hakun This little ninja in black has the fastest running speed of all characters, and can also slide in the air and jump on the water when sprinting.

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

·New snow and ice fields and desert fields are added, and snow, tornado and summer rain are added in terms of climate.

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

·Other adjustment and repair problems.

·Mario Golf free update notice:

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

 Mario Golf is free to update and go online, adding new roles and new venues

seven point two
already existing thirty-nine Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: athletic sports
  • Issued by: Nintendo
  • sale: 2021-06-25
  • development: Nintendo
  • Language: Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | English | Japanese | Multinational
  • Platform: Switch
  • label: combat cooperation happy Mario

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