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Fucai 3D online shrinking

1. Please select a betting number


If the outsole is used, this option is optional

Please select the number you want to filter shrink.

(In fact, it is normal to open any number. Therefore, when selecting numbers, we recommend that you use the "Select All" function to select all the numbers, and then use the filtering function provided below to shrink the number of bets.)


Please enter your bottom number in the following box, and separate the two numbers with a space or comma:

If the number has been selected for positioning, it is not necessary to select the bottom for filtering.

2. Please select shrinkage condition

Kill number filtering

If an expert provides a kill number of one hundred digits: 1345, ten digits: 236, and one digit: 1289, with this kill number function, the number can be excluded and selected by one hundred, ten, and one digit respectively. In fact, the more numbers you filter, the more likely you are to kill the winning number. It is recommended to use with caution in this area.

Bile code filtering

The hundred, ten, and one digits indicate whether the gall code appears in these positions. For example, some experts say that the gall code of the hundred digit is 1, so you can fill in 1 in the hundred digit box. If every digit is possible, you need to select this gall code in the hundred, ten, and one digits, and the number that is not clicked will be removed.

Two code and filter

Two code sum: the value added by any two digits of a single note number, ranging from 0 to 18, can correspond to 1 (leopard), 2 (group 3) or 3 (group 6). If 4 5 6 is selected, all two codes and numbers containing 4 or 5 or 6 are listed.

Two code difference filtering

Two code difference: the value subtracted by any two digits of a single note number, ranging from 0 to 9, can correspond to 1 (leopard), 2 (group 3) or 3 (group 6). If 4 5 6 is selected, all numbers with 4 or 5 or 6 are listed.

Two code filtering

Kill two codes: you can control whether it is output in the form of two codes through the "All Combinations" option. If selected, it indicates all combinations containing the two codes, regardless of the location relationship of the two codes.

012 way filter

The remainder of dividing hundreds, tens and ones by three is 012 after combination

And value filtering

The sum value is the sum of the three numbers of the lottery number, and the variation range is 0~27

And tail filtering

Take the last digit of the sum value, for example, the sum tail of 09 is 9

Span filtering

Difference between the maximum number and the minimum number in the lottery number

Large, medium and small filtration

Large: 789, medium: 3456, small: 012

Size filtering

Large: 56789, small: 01234

Parity filtering

Odd: 13579, even: 02468

Qualitative filtration

Quality: 12357, total: 04689

Cis filtering

Kill Shunzi: exclude the three digit serial number (60 notes in total)

Kill Half Shunzi: Exclude two digit consecutive numbers.

Combination Options
Analysis results


Sum value: the sum of the lottery numbers.

Duplicate number: the number that appears twice in a row in the first two periods.

Span: the difference between the largest and smallest lottery numbers.

Parity: Divide a number by 2, and it can be divided into even, otherwise it is odd.

Serial number: there are two or more adjacent numbers in the lottery number.

AC Value: refers to the total number of positive differences between any two numbers in a group of number combinations minus the number of positive numbers - 1.

Shrink Betting: In short, it is to reduce the number of all permutations and combinations of color seeds to a certain range of notes.

Double betting: specifically refers to a group of lottery tickets formed by two or more numbers selected by the buyer at one position or multiple positions when purchasing lottery tickets.