
discard the old ways of life in favour of the new What kind of weird cat cartoon is

Many people think that the animation recommended this time is relatively small, but in fact, its popularity is relatively high. At least many Chinese animation enthusiasts have seen it. Its name is Strange Cat. The scene of "Strange Cat" has a strong Faustian design style, which is beautiful and amazing. Such a novel
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Your best choice - what is the weird cat cartoon

People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

HTTP Response Status Codes_Resource Shares_Yuanxi Blog

A complete set of HTTP response status codes, HTTP status return codes, codes&&description The http status return code 1xx (temporary response) represents the status code of the temporary response and the requester needs to continue to perform the operation. 100 (Continue) The requester shall continue to make the request. The server returns this code to indicate that the first part of the request has been received and is waiting for the rest. 101 (handover protocol) The requester has requested the server to switch the protocol, and the server has confirmed and prepared to switch. Http

Nginx commonly used blocking rules to make the website more secure _ resource sharing _ Yuanxi blog

This article was shared a little late, but it is still very practical. Before starting, I hope you are familiar with Nginx common commands (such as stop, restart, and other operations) and check nginx error logs to avoid problems. Unless otherwise specified, the following commands are added to the server segment. Before modifying the nginx configuration, you must make a backup. After the modification, you need to reload nginx once, or it will not take effect. Prevent files from being downloaded. For example, if the website database is exported to the site root directory for backup, it may also be downloaded by others, leading to the risk of data loss. The following rules can prevent

Php Filter Special Characters (Prevent SQL Injection) _ Code Record_ Far Past Blog

Two functions are often used to prevent SQL injection attacks: htmlspecialchars() and addslashes(). Both functions escape special characters. Addslashes() is usually used to prevent sql injection. It can escape the single quotation mark and double quotation mark of the parameter passed through get, post and cookie, and add "" before them. htmlspecialchars() also escapes characters. Unlike addslashes(), htmlspecialch

One click removal of various calculation questions and delayed waiting on the pagoda panel _ resource sharing _ Yuanxi blog

Now the pagoda panel is really more and more excessive. You need to do calculations to delete files, databases, and sites! Today, I upgraded to version 7.7, and found that the deletion of the database had an additional delay of several seconds, which could not be skipped! So I wrote a js to remove all kinds of calculation problems and delay waiting, as well as the bt enterprise advertisement on the software list page. Just execute the following command to complete with one click! Copy the following command and execute it on the SSH interface: Layout_file="wwwserverpanelBTPaneltempl

PHP escape encryption and unescape decryption_code record_Yuanxi blog

The php version imitates the js, unescape function decoding, and escape function encoding methods escape encryption: function escape ($string, $in_encoding='UTF-8 ', $out_encoding='UCS-2'){ $return = ''...

Zhao Caimao, who will surely go ashore

Because I can feel that she should be a girl before. In my mind, she is a new life, a new member of our family.

The professional weird cat cartoon is

 What type of Weihua Cat Cartoon is (Weihua Cat Cartoon Ending) - www.baidi. com

Pagoda uses Apache