Zblog article access statistics plug-in

The powerful tool of SEO is to count the daily visits of each article, which is different from the number of views of the article. Each user only records the access data once, and it is set as daily leaderboard, weekly leaderboard, etc.

Application: ZblogPHP

Price: sixty-six point six six eighty-eight point eight eight
Related introduction A

A plug-in for article access analysis released by operators. The plug-in includes multiple analysis functions, statistics functions, etc.

Plug in function:

1. Count the number of times the article is visited every day, and record it in days

2. Each computer accesses the same article multiple times every day, and only records the number of visits once

3. It can be viewed separately. The number of times each article is visited every day

4. Four visiting ranking pages, which can be divided into today, yesterday, seven days and 30 days ranking

5. Comparison chart of data accessed by each article for several days

6. The articles to be counted can be customized, which is simple and convenient

7. Clear statistical data with one click

8. Convenient and fast statistical entry

9. Daily ranking, weekly ranking, monthly ranking, annual ranking module

10. Access record of shielding spiders

11. Static support, (testing)

Plug in screenshot:

Plug in settings, simple

Article Access Leaderboard


Comparison of multiple access data for each article

Access data per article

Background article list page, you can directly enter the statistics page

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