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Pure code implementation of the WordPress prompt plug-in function

2024.03.19 Wordpress Tutorial
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To realize the function of reminding to install plug-ins in WordPress through pure code, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the functions.php file of your theme. This file is usually located in the/wpcontent/themes/yourthemename/directory.

  2. Add the following code to the functions.php file to check whether the specified plug-in is installed, and display a reminder message when it is not installed:

 function check_required_plugin() { if ( !  is_plugin_active( 'pluginfolder/pluginfile.php' ) ) { ?> <div class="notice noticeerror"> <p><? Php _e ('Please install and activate the plug-in to enable this function. ',' yourtextdomain' ); ?></p> </div> <? php } } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'check_required_plugin' );

In the above code 'pluginfolder/pluginfile.php' Replace with the file path of the plug-in you want to check. 'yourtextdomain' It is the text field of your topic for international/localized translation. You can customize the reminder message as needed.

  1. Save and upload the functions.php file to your WordPress theme directory.

  2. When users log in to the WordPress background, if they do not install and activate the specified plug-in, they will see an error reminder, prompting them to install and activate the plug-in.

Please note that this method only displays a reminder message when users access the WordPress background. If they have installed and activated the plug-in, they will not see any reminder. Make sure to replace the plug-in path and reminder message in the code to meet your specific needs.

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