Wordpress template download: yOne theme

2013-03-28 CMS Theme Crazy Uncle
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The latest model released by Royal Yuanlin Wordpress template , this is a different theme from other blogs. The home page adopts a two column style, symmetrical left and right, and adds thumbnails. The traditional latest articles, latest comments, friendship links, archives, tag clouds, etc. are left at the bottom, which is also a good choice. The theme of yOne is as follows:
   Wordpress Theme Introduction:
1. The comment function is enhanced, and the nesting support is unlimited, but we all know that WordPress only supports ten at most.
2. If you like this Chinese theme, please disclose the copyright information of the author at the bottom of the footer.php file, and keep the author link.
3. The default image of yOne theme, such as logo and feed icon, can be replaced in the images folder of the theme package until you are satisfied.
4. Optimization is one of the most important elements of a website. The keywords and description meta of this topic are located in header.php and can be modified according to the content and needs of your website.
  5、 Wordpress template It supports two user-defined menus - Primary Navigation on navigation and Top Navigation on classification; Widgets are supported, because they are located at the bottom, and the overall coordination effect depends on your own adjustment.
6. The theme has two navigation main navigation and secondary navigation, where you can add your microblog address, message board and other important information.
7. The subscription button at the top right corner of the home page is very distinctive, but I think that if you don't pay attention, ordinary people will not think that it is a subscription button. You can replace other pictures in the background.
There is a radio below the navigation, which is convenient to spread the latest news of the blogger to his fans, Wordpress template After testing, it is normal under IE6.7.8, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, 360 security browser, etc. It can be seen that there is no problem with compatibility.

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