On the mobile website, the navigation menu pops up on the left, click the primary classification to expand the secondary classification

On the mobile website, the navigation menu pops up on the left, click the primary classification to expand the secondary classification

Mobile websites can pop up navigation menus on the left and click primary classification to expand secondary classification. Next, we will introduce the common left pop-up navigation menus on mobile websites and click primary classification to expand secondary classification. HTML code: About our product center+product classification 1 product classification 4 product classification 2 news
 Dark mode – the website supports cool dark mode/night mode

Dark mode – the website supports cool dark mode/night mode

Darkmode.js is fun and easy to use. It only needs a piece of code to enable your website to support dark mode. After installation, there is a round button at the bottom right corner of the page. Click it to switch between day/night mode. Darkmode.js is an open source project, so it can be played for free, but for example
 JQuery scrolling event $(window). scroll() realizes the height change of navigation bar

JQuery scrolling event $(window). scroll() realizes the height change of navigation bar

In some websites, the height of the navigation menu changes with the drop down of the page, and when the page is restored to the top, the height is restored again. The effect is shown in the following figure: How can the height of the navigation bar change with the page dragging? This requires the use of the jQuery scroll event $(window). scroll(). Let's introduce the implementation method
 How to add sliding validation to a web form

How to add sliding validation to a web form

In order to prevent the form on the website from being maliciously submitted with spam information, we will add the verification function to the web form. The common verification is verification code verification, in addition to sliding verification. Form validation is performed by sliding the slider. How to add this sliding verification function to the web form? Here's how. Step 1: Make a form box and use it to
 The website implements a tag to download pdf files directly instead of opening them in the browser

The website implements a tag to download pdf files directly instead of opening them in the browser

By default, when the pdf file is opened using a hyperlink, the preview will be opened directly in the browser, but not downloaded directly. How to make pdf files automatically downloaded instead of opened after clicking? In fact, it is very simple to let the website click the tag a to download pdf directly instead of opening it in the browser. You just need to add the download attribute to the tag a
 Solution to Font Awesome Website Font Icon Not Displayed

Solution to Font Awesome Website Font Icon Not Displayed

In the process of building a website, we often encounter some strange problems. For example, the font icons of some pages in a website are displayed normally, but some font icons are blank. As shown in the following figure: Under normal circumstances: font icon is not displayed: through the check function of the browser, you can find out the reason why the font icon is not displayed, because the style of the font icon is
 How to do adaptive web pages? Adaptive web page making method

How to do adaptive web pages? Adaptive web page making method

Adaptive web page refers to that the web page automatically changes the CSS parameters of the web page according to the header information of the user's browsing device, so as to achieve the effect of displaying different web page layouts with different browsing settings. The reason for adaptive web pages is to use the @ media attribute in CSS3 to judge the transformation. In the actual web page production process, how do we make adaptive web pages? Below
 How to arrange web text from right to left like ancient Chinese

How to arrange web text from right to left like ancient Chinese

In the past, ancient Chinese books were arranged from right to left and from top to bottom. So how can we realize that the words on our own web pages are arranged like ancient books? For CSS3, there are such attributes to control the effect of this. To arrange the web text from right to left like ancient Chinese, you can use the wri

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