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WordPress website performance acceleration cache optimization service

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Warning : sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /www/wwwroot/demo200/wp-content/themes/lensnews/woocommerce/single-product/meta.php on line twenty-six
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WordPress is one of the most mature CMS website building programs at present, and it is also the most widely used website building system in the world. With more and more gadgets and plug-ins on your website, the running speed of your WordPress love website is getting slower and slower (if you use the original English theme website, it will also get stuck and slow), The speed of the website greatly affects the user experience, which is an important factor determining your user stickiness. However, many users are still unable to do this work by themselves. They hope I can provide this service, so today I will extract this service separately.

service content

  • Compressed pictures: according to the browser's automatic judgment, reduce the image traffic by 60% - 80%. Significantly reduce CDN costs
  • Dynamic static separation: help to dock CDN and transfer bandwidth pressure of static resources (to be filed)
  • Turn off useless services: many default services of WordPress are redundant and have security risks (especially in the background)
  • Use object caching: use Memcached to cache the database, greatly improving SQL speed
  • Opcache: Use Opcache to accelerate PHP code compilation and optimization
  • Reasonable cache optimization: cache mechanism strategy for optimizing static resources
  • Reduce the number of requests: the fewer the number of requests, the faster the speed will be and the score will be improved
  • Optimize user experience: deeply optimize the first screen speed and enhance user experience
  • If you have other needs, you can contact the webmaster for secondary customization services.

The recommended running environment of WordPress is (CentOS) server PHP7.4+Nginx+MySQL 5.7 (2GB RAM+) to match the optimal running efficiency of the system.

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This WordPress optimization service is based on the experience of cloud template's own WordPress website operation and actual customer site maintenance and deployment. It is very suitable for commercial and enterprise customers who have high requirements for WordPress and server performance and are used in production environments.


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