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WordPress theme installation demo configuration/website backup migration domain name change

¥ one hundred and twenty

Warning : sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /www/wwwroot/demo200/wp-content/themes/lensnews/woocommerce/single-product/meta.php on line twenty-six
Classification: Date: 3 years ago Browse: 1.33K Comments: zero

Create a backup of WordPress files and databases, copy and move the entire site from one location to another, help your website to migrate perfectly: server ->server/local ->server, ensure the integrity and security of data, and escort your way to build a website. Cloud template technology is a senior farmer with 10 years of experience, hoping to turn years of experience into value for you!

The recommended running environment of WordPress is (CentOS) server PHP7.4+Nginx+MySQL 5.7 (2GB RAM+) to match the optimal running efficiency of the system.

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This WordPress installation configuration/migration service is the experience gained from the cloud template's own WordPress website operation and actual customer site maintenance deployment, which is very suitable for commercial and enterprise customers who have high requirements for WordPress and server performance and are used in production environments.

Annual fee members/permanent members can enjoy this service at a discount of 20%.


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