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Responsive construction engineering group website DedeCMS dream template

¥ one hundred and twenty

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The homepage of the web site DedeCMS Dream Weaving Template (Cloud_195) of the responsive construction engineering group company adopts a multi screen display mode, with a unique design style. The dream weaving source code can be used as the website of the construction engineering group company and the real estate development engineering group company, and is the first choice of friends who need to build this type of website. The website has preset columns and test data, which is very convenient for installation and management. After installation, the data can be restored in the background and used. The responsive adaptive design can be adapted on the mobile phone. Dream responsive adaptive template, simple interface, simple style, pre-set news, project engineering, online message, contact us, etc., applicable to construction engineering group companies, real estate development engineering group companies, the background can customize to add and modify the column banner diagram, easy to operate, the background can directly modify contact information, address, copyright information, The website content is more convenient to modify.

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