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DedeCMS dream weaving template for customized furniture accessories website of the whole house

¥ one hundred and twenty

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DedeCMS Zhimeng template (Cloud_193), the latest core development template of Zhimeng, a customized furniture and accessories website for the whole house. This template is used by enterprises in general use, customized for the whole house, smart home, and home customization. It is a template with strong applicability, and can basically be suitable for enterprise websites in all industries! Responsive adaptive various mobile devices, the same background, real-time data synchronization, simple and applicable, can show panoramic cases! Original design, manual writing of DIV+CSS, perfect compatibility with IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, 360 browser, etc; Mainstream browser; The page is simple and easy to manage. The DEDE kernel can use the attached test data! It adopts the current popular HTML5 framework, compatible with mainstream browsers, responsive, adaptive, and perfectly supports mobile devices. The whole site interface is designed to show your strength. The background directly modifies the contact information, address, copyright information, website content, etc., making it more convenient to modify.

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