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Qwery - WordPress Chinese theme of multi industry enterprise group website

¥ one hundred and eighty

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Qwery is an innovative responsive, multi-purpose, multi skin and multi style WordPress theme with ultra modern, clean and fresh design. Qwery is a set of fashionable and fashionable appearance, which is applicable to almost all company business websites or business blogs. It is very suitable for law firms, network and creative institutions, marketing and advertising services, business consultants, website design, mobile development companies, creative bureaus, UX/UI design. It is also very suitable for those who deal with brand, style and identity, development, coding and technology, video production, photography, publishing services, printing, programming, application development, digital business, project management and individual businessmen. This theme not only provides skin for business websites, but also provides pre designed pages for retail and different types of services, such as sports beauty industry, handyman services, medical care, children, education, music, etc.

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