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Dazzling photo exhibition website DedeCMS whole site template

¥ one hundred and twenty

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The whole site template (Cloud_187) of DedeCMS, a stunning photography exhibition website, is a Chinese content management framework developed based on PHP+MYSQL. DedeCMS proposes a flexible application mechanism. The framework itself provides basic management functions, and developers can expand in the form of applications according to their own needs. This set of responsive dream website template for brand design photography works display is simple and grand, brand sense is full, style is novel and personality, and graphic display content is rich. The combination of black and white tones and the whole station brand design photography theme are natural. With its own mobile terminal, the same background, real-time data synchronization, simple and applicable! It is perfectly compatible with mainstream browsers such as IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, 360 browser, etc. The page is simple and easy to manage. The DEDE kernel can be used with test data. It is easy to build a website. Follow the normal installation steps to install and restore it!

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