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Cool enterprise website building works display DedeCMS dream weaving template

Original price: ¥ 300.00. The current price is ¥ 180.00.

Classification: label: Date: 4 years ago Browse: 1.82K Comments: zero

The cool enterprise website building works show the DedeCMS dream weaving template (Cloud_185). The template layout is high-end and atmospheric, full screen rolling broadcast, full of design, and it is a relatively new Internet enterprise website template. The whole site code is clean, the response speed is fast, and the user experience and SEO are good. The template is designed with PC+mobile phone version, adaptive to computers and mobile phones. Perfectly matching the SEO optimization technology, the high-quality template created with devotion is also suitable for the use of photography art exhibition websites, design studios, and graphic design websites! The template has a built-in background. The panel is simple to operate and easy to use. It supports quick configuration of the title, keywords, and description options on the template's home page. It does not need to know the code. It is especially suitable for enterprises to quickly build websites, reducing users' setup time and effort. Compatible with IE10+, Firefox, Chrome, 360 browser and other mainstream browsers, the page is simple, easy to manage, and the whole site test data is attached!

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