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Responsive Group Company Website DedeCMS Dream Weaving Whole Station Template

Original price: ¥ 300.00. The current price is ¥ 180.00.

Classification: label: Date: 4 years ago Browse: 2.41K Comments: zero

Responsive group company website DedeCMS Dream Whole Site Template (Cloud_182), the home page adopts the latest rolling screen design, the slide Banner supports video carousel, this template is simple and non redundant, using HTML5+CSS3, comprehensive SEO optimization of source code, reasonable use of H tags/image alt/link title, compatible with mainstream browsers at home and abroad such as IE8+/Chrome/360/Firefox/Safari/Opera, The page design is clean and simple, and the home page content is stylish and flat. The design of the inner page is simple and clean, without redundant design, and the content is simple and clear. The home page design of this set of templates is quite impressive, and the interior page design is much simpler. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to use their websites. The design layout of the independent mobile version allows this set of source code to be accessed on a variety of browsing devices to meet your diversified needs.

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