two thousand and twenty trillion and fifty-two billion eight hundred and twenty-two million three hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and forty-nine

Medizin - Chinese theme of WooCommerce, a foreign trade store for medical devices and medical supplies

¥ one hundred and eighty

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Medizin is a medical e-commerce theme, providing professional design for e-commerce websites related to hospitals, clinics, medical suppliers, medical stores, pharmacies, pharmacies, health care centers, coronavirus prevention and clinical laboratory equipment. Medizin helps medical enterprises or hospitals and clinics easily contact potential customers and patients through the built-in professional medical online store. The theme design puts buyers at the center, with an advanced giant menu, so that buyers can easily track their products, and the shopkeeper can customize their content without trouble.

With the Elementor visualization plug-in – 100% visual drag and drop generator, you can control all aspects of the website in one place, shorten the construction time and help your online store load faster. With modern and practical product layout and store homepage layout, as well as special functions, such as quick sales, countdown, and a whole set of other product functions, it is easy to create online stores and profit from your medical business. You don't have to spend a long time setting your theme. Medizin can quickly and easily adapt to your change requests. Change your font, color palette to meet your brand logo, etc., update your sample to show a variety of product changes - all from an intuitive dashboard. Beautiful article predefined layout, let your information reach the audience. Provide hot news about medical care and drugs, and share medical tips and suggestions on healthy lifestyle.

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