Newz - News blog website APP application

Newz - News blog website APP application

Newz is the most user-friendly and lightweight application, which can quickly get the news you need. The application contains all your expectations for the news application - select your favorite content based on category news, search function and comment support. Moreover, the unique design and animation make this Flutter and Dart application
 Android News App - Android news application developed in Java language

Android News App - Android news application developed in Java language

Android news application is a mobile news system running under the Android platform, which is used for your own news application. The local Java language is used for development, so that the application runs quickly and smoothly. Realize Google Material Design to make the application more beautiful in design and user experience. Integrated with the management panel to manage news
 Personal MicroBlog - Professional personal blog microblog application template

Personal MicroBlog - Professional personal blog microblog application template

Personal microblog multi-purpose application, you can create your personal microblog for their company or organization's microblog. Weibo can also be used to publish your photos and news. In their article, you can use hashtags, which makes navigation and search applications great. By sending a push notification (GCM) from the management panel, you can

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