Chinese theme

Divi - intelligent multipurpose website template wordpress sinicized theme - v4.22.1

 Alibaba Cloud

Divi is an advanced corporate theme produced by Elegant. It is also the most intelligent and flexible theme of our products, Divi. Anything is possible. Elegant, as one of the business themes of Wordpress, is the leader in this industry, and many of the themes it produces are classic. Elegantthemes has not developed a new theme in the world for a long time after developing Divi, and has been committed to the intelligent improvement of this Divi theme, which shows elegants' high degree of retry and evaluation of this theme. In fact, foreign countries also have a high evaluation of this theme, and there are a number of resource stations around the Divi theme.

1、 Perfect integration of Divi builder

The Divi builder allows you to create beautiful and unique web pages. People without any code base can create dynamic web pages.

The Divi builder has powerful functions. Let me introduce them one by one:
1. 30 beautiful layouts are preset
These layouts involve the home page to the inside page, blog and work layouts, information and contact pages, individual work pages and store layouts, etc.

2. With Divi, you can create your own layout
You can save the created layout to the library. You don't need to re create it when you want to use it. You just need to "load it from the library", which is equivalent to creating a template and improving work efficiency.

You can also create different layouts through the div library:

3. DIV selection function is very practical
The selection area is divided into standard selection area, full width selection area, special selection area and customized selection area in divi library.
You can use these selections at the same time in one page. Different selection areas provide different module elements.
For the standard selection area, the content is within the specified width of the website. This selection area provides many modules for selection:

The full width selection area is mainly used to construct the layout content across the entire page.

Special constituencies mainly provide some special layouts:

This divi builder is powerful and simple, and its customization is also in place. Later, I will write a series of tutorials about these. That's all for now.

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2、 Divi Theme Customization

This theme is used to define the style of the whole website. Every definition change will change in real time to view the effect.

From website font to color, from full width to box layout, from top menu to side menu, from header background to transparency, you can customize. All these can be achieved by simply moving the mouse and clicking.

3、 Module customization function

Remember that there are many module elements above. If you want to make global adjustments, you only need to make adjustments in module customization. No need to go into each module. Such as spacing, font size, animation direction, etc.

4、 DIV Theme Options

Here you can set the website logo, article element display, thumbnail acquisition method, social links, summaries, custom css, code integration, SEO method, advertising management, etc.

5、 Features of Divi Chinese version

1. The degree of localization is 99.999%, and both the front and rear platforms have been sinicized.
2. Google fonts are automated. If you select Microsoft Yahei, Song typeface, regular typeface, bold typeface, and Song Dynasty style system fonts, the Google font API will not be loaded. If you use Google font, the 360 Google image will be loaded. Intelligent processing.

3. Added some Chinese social icons in China

The specific links are set in the general topic options
4. Google Maps API switches to Chinese Google Maps API. You can use Google Maps normally.
5. For the question of the number of blog words, you can set the default number of summary words in the topic option, and you can also set the number of summary words in the blog module.
6. Added perfect support for Youku video, integrated Ckplayer player, and supported mobile phone playback.

Divi - intelligent multipurpose website template wordpress Chinese theme

3431 people have bought
  • v 4.22.1
  • 24.77M
  • lwfr
  • Original Theme 5 RMB (VIP free)
  • Original theme+installation service 60 element
  • Original theme+installation service+Chinese acceleration 120 RMB (VIP free)
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18 comments, 0 visitors, 0 bloggers
  1.  decent
    decent Published on:

    Thanks for sharing. I see the official website has been updated. I hope the webmaster can follow the official steps. I will always pay attention to you. Thank you, Momoda

  2.  decent
    decent Published on:

    Installing the theme you uploaded:
    Extracting installation package

    Installing theme

    This package cannot be installed. Theme is missing style.css style sheet.

    Theme installation failed.

    Oh, no!

  3.  decent
    decent Published on:

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    •  Maker Cloud
      Maker Cloud Published on:

      This topic is free. The administrator made an error during the update, which made it unable to download. It has been repaired!

  4.  decent
    decent Published on:

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  5.  decent
    decent Published on:

    The Chinese search page cannot display your site. The theme has been updated. I'm waiting for you to upgrade it. The latest version is

  6.  decent
    decent Published on:

    Version: 3.0.94 has been released. A new function has been added, waiting for you to update

    •  Maker Cloud
      Maker Cloud Published on:

      It was updated to the day before yesterday. You can search and download it.

      •  decent
        decent Published on:

        The wrong number should be Updated a chart function

  7.  zivencn_2018
    zivencn_2018 Published on:

    Designed by Elegant Themes | Maker source code provides technical support
    How to modify this? I want to add the website name

  8. Published on:

    This is how I installed it. I hope you can answer the following questions. I'm WordPress Xiaobai.

    •  Maker Cloud
      Maker Cloud Published on:

      Hello, the installation was not completed correctly, you can contact online customer service!

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