WordPress Tutorial

Advanced Custom Fields Advanced Article Custom Fields Plug in

 Alibaba Cloud

Advanced Custom Fields is a particularly powerful custom field plug-in that allows you to add various forms of custom field types, such as Image Checkbox, File, Text, Select, True/False, Link, Textarea, etc. can be integrated into one or more panels, support exporting fields as xml or php codes, and can also be integrated into themes or plug-ins. You can use this WORDPRESS plug-in to create custom fields for pages, articles, categories, and users.

It is necessary for the foreground to obtain the content of the corresponding custom field

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  1.  <? php the_field ( 'Field name' ) ;  ?>

If you only want to obtain its value without output, you can use the following call tags:

  1.  <? php get_field ( 'team-img' ) ;  ?>

For example, if you want to obtain the field "_fengmiantu" you created in the category ID of 1, you can write as follows:

  1.  <? php the_field ( '_fengmiantu' ,  'category_1' ) ;  ?>

If you are on the classification list page, you can use the ID acquisition method to automatically obtain the fields corresponding to different classifications. You can write this way;

  1.  <? php $thiscat  = get_category ( $cat ) ;  ?> <? php the_field ( 'Your field name' , $thiscat ) ; ?>

The method to get the category custom field from the custom article type category page:

  1.  <? php
  2.  $queried_object  = get_queried_object ( ) ;
  3.  $taxonomy  =  $queried_object -> taxonomy ;
  4.  $term_id  =  $queried_object -> term_id ;
  5.  ?>
  6.  /**Use the following code where you need to get the field**/
  7.  <? php the_field ( '_fmt' , $taxonomy  .  '_'  .  $term_id ) ; ?>
  8.  /**Just change _fmt to your field name**/

2. The custom article type article page gets the fields of the custom category

  1.  <? php
  2.  $term_list  = wp_get_post_terms ( $post -> ID ,  'product_category' ,  array ( "fields"  =>  "all" ) ) ;
  3.  /**Product_category is the name of your custom taxonomy**/
  4.  $term_id  =  $term_list [ zero ] -> term_taxonomy_id  ; ?>
  5.  /**Use the following code where you need to get the field**/
  6.  <? php the_field ( '_fmt' , product_category .  '_'  .  $term_id ) ; ?>
  7.  /**Just change _fmt to your field name (product_category is the name of your custom taxonomy, which can be changed according to your situation)**/
  8.  ?>

Advanced Custom Fields Advanced Article Custom Fields Plug in

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