WordPress Tutorial

How does WordPress detect whether there are anti links and friendship links on the other website

 Alibaba Cloud

Recently, cloud template is customizing an anti chain management plug-in for a customer. It needs to automatically detect whether anti chain friend chains exist. How to detect anti chain? The Dom of PHP can be used to determine whether the href of tag a exists.

The core code is given below:

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  1.  $body  =  'test <a href=" https://www.22vd.com ">22vd</a> test' ; //Get the html of the other party's website
  2.  $dom  =  new DomDocument ( ) ;
  3.  $dom -> loadHTML ( $body ) ;
  4.  $xpath  =  new DOMXPath ( $dom ) ;
  5.  foreach  ( $xpath -> query ( '//a[contains(@href, " https://www.22vd.com ")]' )  as  $a )  {
  6.      echo  'success' ;
  7.  }

The foreach above can tell whether there is anti chain.

How does WordPress detect whether there are anti links and friendship links on the other website

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