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BookChoix - Bookstore digital audio and video products store WordPress template

 Alibaba Cloud

BookChoix is an attractive, fashionable and powerful bookstore WordPress theme. BookChoix Bookstore is the best solution for online modern libraries, online bookstores and online courses. It is based on the free WooCommerce plug-in. You can use the WordPress theme of this bookstore to sell e-books and physical books.

Let your customers read PDF books online without leaving the website. Yes, you can let your customers read your e-books on your website without downloading them. This is just a limited opportunity to explain here, but actually you can explore more ideas and implement them to build a more advanced library. The BookChoix theme comes with a presentation importer, which can import presentation content with a single click. It can help you quickly start your project with pre designed pages.

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BookChoix - Bookstore digital audio and video products store WordPress template

171 people have bought
  • lwfr
  • Original Theme 60 element
  • Original theme+installation service 120 element
  • Original theme+installation service+Chinese acceleration 400 element
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