Time Date

JQuery pop-up screen countdown music special effect code

 Alibaba Cloud

The jQuery pop-up screen countdown music effect is a special effect based on jQuery and HTML5 for the countdown of 2020 New Year's Eve, which sends text pop-up screens and online music playback to celebrate the theme page. New Year's Eve countdown pop-up music theme special effect, can send text pop-up screen, play music, as well as a round clock with date and week display, the overall interface is very beautiful. It supports countdown in the format of day, hour, minute and second. You can customize the time of countdown. It is simple to understand how to convert time units. Combined with a variety of special effects, the time can be changed as a countdown scene for various festivals and special days.

Code structure

  1.  < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css/style.css" >
  2.  < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = " https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1191451_h720mljzrsc.css " >
  3.  < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/bootstrap.css" >
  4.  < script src = "js/bootstrap.min.js" > </script>
  5.  < script src = "js/jquery.min.js" > </script>
  6.  < script src = "js/jweixin-1.4.0.js" > </script>
  7.  < script src = "js/app.js" > </script>
  8.  < div class = "key" >
  9.      < div class = "iocnBox" >< i class = "iconfont icon-delete" ></ i ></ div >
  10.      < div class = "empty" > empty </ div >
  11.      < textarea placeholder = "Here are New Year's greetings..." rows = "1"  class = "van-field__control" ></ textarea >
  12.      < div class = "buts" > send out </ div >
  13.  </ div >
  14.  < div class = "today" >
  15.      < div class = "clock" >
  16.          < div class = "pos SS" ></ div >
  17.          < div class = "pos MM" ></ div >
  18.          < div class = "pos HH" ></ div >
  19.          < div class = "spot" ></ div >
  20.      </ div >
  21.      <!--  < p > Beijing Time </ p >  -->
  22.      <!--  < div class = "day" ></ div >          -->
  23.      < div class = "time" ></ div >
  24.      < div class = "sydate" ></ div >
  25.  </ div >
  26.  < div class = "Barrage" ></ div >
  27.  < div class = "message" > Send Bullet Screen </ div >
  28.  < div class = "music" >
  29.      < audio class = "play" id = "indexVideo" controls autoplay >
  30.          <!--  < source src = "horse.ogg" type = "audio/ogg" >  -->
  31.          < source src = "mp3/akon.mp3" type = "audio/mpeg" >
  32.  Your browser does not support audio elements.
  33.      </ audio >
  34.      < marquee direction = "left" > akon . mp3 </ marquee >
  35.  </ div >
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JQuery pop-up screen countdown music special effect code

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