Lightbox/Pop up window

Cool Open Mode Window Transition Animation Effect

 Alibaba Cloud

This is a cool transition animation special effect of opening modal window using CSS3 animation animation. The principle of this CSS transition animation is to create step animation through the steps () function, and create different animation transition effects through different background Sprite pictures.

HTML Structure

Each of the 11 different animation transition effects uses a separate class class. Note the class class on the<body>element in each demo. Other HTML structures are basically similar, as follows:

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  1.  <! doctype html >
  2.  < html lang = "zh"  class = "no-js" >
  3.  < head >
  4.    <!--  ...  -->
  5.  </ head >
  6.  < body class = "cartoon-transition" >
  7.  < main class = "cd-main-content" >
  8.    <!--  ...  -->
  9.  </ main > 
  11.  < div class = "cd-modal" id = "modal-1" >
  12.    <!--  ...  -->
  13.  </ div > 
  15.  < div class = "cd-transition-layer" data - frame = "25" > 
  16.    < div class = "bg-layer" ></ div >
  17.  </ div > 
  19.  < script src = "js/jquery.min.js" > </script>
  20.  < script src = "js/main.js" > </script>  <!-- Resource jQuery -->
  21.  </ body >
  22.  </ html >

CSS style

The style.css file contains 11 kinds of transition animation codes. The Shared style part is a general style, including the button style and modal window style. Each of the following summaries is a separate style for various effects.

  1.  /* --------------------------------
  3.  Shared style
  5.  -------------------------------- */
  7.  .cd-btn  {
  8.    display :  inline-block ;
  9.    padding :  1.6em  2.4em ;
  10.    font-size :  1.4rem ;
  11.    letter-spacing :  .15em ;
  12.    font-weight :  seven hundred ;
  13.    text-transform :  uppercase ;
  14.    box-shadow :  zero  2px  10px  rgba ( zero ,  zero ,  zero ,  zero point zero eight ) ;
  15.    transition : box-shadow .3s ;
  16.    /*...*/
  17.  }
  19.  /* --------------------------------
  21.  Scrub Effect - Custom effect style
  23.  -------------------------------- */
  25.  .scrub-transition  {
  26.    font-family :  "PT Sans" ,  sans-serif ;
  27.    color :  #2c1a32 ;
  28.    /*...*/
  29.  }
  31.  /* --------------------------------
  33.  Animations
  35.  -------------------------------- */
  37.  @keyframes cd-sequence {
  38.    0%  {
  39.      transform : translateY ( -50% ) translateX ( -2% ) ;
  40.    }
  41.    100%  {
  42.      transform : translateY ( -50% ) translateX ( -98% ) ;
  43.    }
  44.  }

Cool Open Mode Window Transition Animation Effect

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