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Can make pure js plug-in of Google style picture gallery

 Alibaba Cloud

Gallery.js is a pure js plug-in that can produce a picture gallery with Google Image Search effect. This plug-in is written in pure javascript and is only 7kb in size. It is a very good lightweight image gallery plug-in.

HTML Structure

The basic HTML structure of the picture gallery is as follows:

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  1.  < div id = "gallerly"  class = "container" >
  2.    < h1 > NASA Space Gallery </ h1 >
  3.    < div class = "image-viewer" >
  4.      < a class = "thumbnail" >
  5.        < img src = "images/1.gif" data - title = "..." data - description = "..." />
  6.      </ a >
  7.      < a class = "thumbnail" >
  8.        < img src = "images/2.jpg" data - title = "..." data - description = "..." />
  9.      </ a >
  10.      ......
  11.      < div class = "preview hide" >
  12.        < div class = "wrapper" >
  13.          < span class = "arrow" ></ span >
  14.          < a class = "prev" > ← Prev </ a >
  15.          < div class = "preview-content" >
  16.            < img src = ""  />
  17.            < div class = "content" >
  18.              < h3 class = "title" ></ h3 >
  19.              < span class = "description" ></ span >
  20.            </ div >
  21.          </ div >
  22.          < a class = "next" > Next  </ a >
  23.          < a class = "close-preview" > Close </ a >
  24.        </ div >
  25.    </ div >
  26.  </ div >

Initialize plug-in

The following method can be used to initialize the image gallery plug-in.

  1.  var $gallerly = document. querySelector ( "#gallerly" ) ;
  2.  var gallerly =  new Gallerly ( $gallerly ) ;

Can make pure js plug-in of Google style picture gallery

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