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 Popular Literature and Art Magazine

Annual pricing: RMB 724.00/year

Popular Literature and Art Magazine Provincial Journals

Art and Literature for the Masses

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Semimonthly Publication cycle
  • 13-1129/I CN
  • 1007-5828 ISSN
Competent unit: Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism
Organizer: Hebei Provincial Mass Art Museum
Sending code: 18-45
Published in 1956
Format: B5
Published at: Hebei
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.048
Other citation rate of journals: 1
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle)

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Introduction to Popular Literature and Art Magazine

Popular Literature and Art is a provincial excellent academic journal that is in charge of the Department of Culture of Hebei Province and sponsored by the Hebei Provincial Mass Art Museum, and is open to the public at home and abroad. This magazine publishes literary and artistic works, academic papers, etc., and welcomes all art colleges, art groups, performance groups, group art centers, cultural centers, archives, libraries, trade unions, cultural palaces, museums, propaganda and education departments of enterprises and institutions and other workers engaged in literary and artistic undertakings to publish academic papers, and other works.

Adhere to the "two for" policy, adhere to the grassroots, public oriented, publish healthy and progressive content of popular literature and art works loved by the masses.

Column setting of popular literature and art magazines

1. Original platform: literary and artistic creation works, such as novels, plays, sketches, essays, movies, poetry lyrics, stories, calligraphy, paintings, etc

Honorary Information of Popular Literature and Art Magazine

Subscription mode of popular literature magazines

Address: No. 10, Hongguang Street, Shijiazhuang City, 050081.

Notice for contribution of Popular Literature and Art Magazine

1. Please indicate the contact information and the name of the journal for submission.

2. Manuscripts should be scientific, advanced and practical, with clear arguments, reliable arguments, accurate data, rigorous logic and fluent writing.

3. Please use word for typesetting, and indicate the author's name, organization, mailing address, zip code, e-mail, contact number, etc. We welcome online contributions.

4. The basic elements are complete, including article title, author's unit, author's name, keywords, abstract, conclusion, references, etc.

5. Please ensure the independence of the copyright of your contributions, no plagiarism, no dispute in the ranking of signatures, and your own responsibility. Please do not submit more than one contribution!

6. The author will be informed of the review results within 2 working days regardless of whether the manuscript is selected or not. The author can also inquire by phone to avoid affecting the normal publication.

Examples of popular literature magazines

The faith and music of the European Illuminati

From exhibition hall to market

"Human" and Humanistic Design in Anthropology

On the Folk Culture Tourism in China

Why Peacock Flies Southeast -- Field Investigation from the Hometown of the Sage of Long Poems

On the Phenomenon of Red Worship in the Year of Birth

On the Role and Performance Form of Flower Drum Lantern Art

An Analysis of the Causes of the "Profound" and "Profound" Chinese Landscape Paintings before the Mid Northern Song Dynasty

Research on sustainable development model of community sports in guangxi

Talking about the management of accounts receivable

On the Discourse Carnival of Internet Language from the Phenomenon of "Joking"

Some Thoughts on "Rules" in Harmony

From Clothing Hierarchy to Clothing Brand Worship

An Infinite Potential in a Square Space -- Experience of Improving the Functions of Urban Residential Commercial Houses

Editing -- Re creation of Film and Television Programs

Development of Guzheng

Exploration on the Definition and Classification of Music

Thoughts on Improving the Ability of Music Performance

On the Performance of Two Pianos from the First Movement of Mozart's K448 Sonata

A Brief Talk on the Development of Guzheng Performance Techniques -- Taking the Development of "Holding Cleavage", "Shaking Finger" and "Wheel Finger" as an Example

Analysis of articles published by popular literature magazines

Address: No. 10, Hongguang Street, Shijiazhuang City, 050081.