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 National Music Magazine

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National Music Magazine Provincial Journals

National Music

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 53-1202/J CN
  • 1671-2196 ISSN
Competent unit: Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism
Organizer: Yunnan Provincial Cultural Center
Postal code: 64-8
Published in 1981
Format: A4
Published at: Yunnan
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.07
Cited times: 218
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to National Music Magazine

Chinese Music Journal. Li Huanzhi, co editor of Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Musicians Association and Composers Association, is responsible for editing the monthly magazine. From April 1, 1942 to December 1942, 8 issues were published. This journal is a comprehensive music journal that publishes music works and music theory articles. The main contributors include Lv Ji, Ma Ke, Li Huanzhi, Mai Xin, Li Yuanqing, An Bo, Zhang Lu and Zhang Zhenfu. The more important music works included are the folk song duet "In the Border Region in July", which was co sung by Anbo, Marco, Liu Chi, Zhang Lu and Guan Hetong. The more important music theory articles include Lv Ji's "The Rhythm Form of Folk Songs", Zhang Lu's "How to Collect Folk Music", Li Huanzhi's "The Practice of Singing in China", and Mai Xin's "On Nie Er's Mass Songs", etc. The magazine also carried a summary of the experience of the mass singing activities, as well as communications and reports on music work and music activities in the border area.

National Music is the only professional national music journal in China, with readers in 27 countries and regions. It integrates ideology, artistry, nationality, popularity and cosmopolitanism, highlights the theme of national music, and creates a world brand of national music.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Yunling Songs, the magazine of National Music was changed to highlight the local ethnic characteristics, expand the audience, and create a brand of national music. It is the only comprehensive national music core journal publicly issued at home and abroad, and is a theoretical study of national music conducted by readers and authors It is a garden and window for creative exchanges, as well as the display and publicity of the music culture of all ethnic groups.

Column setting of folk music magazines

The main columns of National Music magazine include: trends, comments, characters, national folk music, national songs, lyrics, music education, folk golden songs, music stories, national instruments, folk music, music customs, field collection, special contributions, folk music appreciation, music history, editing and reading exchanges, etc.

Honorary Information of National Music Magazine

Subscription mode of folk music magazines

Address: No. 356, Renmin West Road, Kunming, Postcode: 650118.

Notice for Contribution of National Music Magazine

1、 Abstract and key words: The article should provide 100-200 word abstract to objectively reflect the main content of the paper; Provide 3-5 keywords separated by semicolons; The number of words in the article should be 2500-4500.

2、 About the author: name (date of birth), gender, work unit, postal code, professional title, position, education background, main research direction, etc.

3、 Note: The note serial number (superscript) is represented by Arabic numerals with circles and attached at the end of the text.

4、 Informal publications (such as doctoral or master's degree theses) and speeches that have not been officially published cannot be cited as references.

5、 Format of references:

1. Reference monograph: [serial number] Author. Title. Place of publication: Publishing House, year of publication.

2. Reference newspapers and periodicals: [serial number] Author, title, newspaper name, publication year, volume (issue, edition), ending page number (refer to the national GB7714-87 "Bibliographic Description Rules for Reference Documents" for specific conditions).

6、 The sponsor and project number shall be indicated for the funded project.

7、 Style requirements: take "one", "1", "(1)" as the level of the article, and refine the main ideas with subtitles below (1).

8、 Chart requirements: Table: place the table name above the table and center it; Figure: Place the title below and center it. The characters in the table and drawing shall be in regular script.

9、 In order to facilitate the revision and contact of the manuscript, the author is requested to provide contact information: postal code, telephone, mobile phone, e-mail, etc.

10、 All contributions shall be sent via email (WORD document attachment), plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and contributions shall be replied at their own responsibility.

Examples of folk music magazines

Laughter is my song

a man should stand strong

Dedicated to my dear motherland

Changhong Carrying Happiness -- A Song for the Southwest Railway

From high rock cliff to low rock cliff

Party, how can we not sing you

The spring breeze of hope The sunshine of hope

I am a story in your legend

China in Smile

I give myself to you

Concentric wind and rain

Walk hand in hand with the Party

Party, bright and eye-catching flag

Same family

For the lovely China

Party flag eulogy

Glorious flag

Eastern China

I love you so much

Popular Music in Yunnan

National music magazine data information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of articles published by national music magazines

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
General Project of Yunnan Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Base (JD2011YB19) six
The 11th Five Year Plan for Educational Science Research in Yunnan Province (None) five
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Education Department of Liaoning Province (W2012107) four
National Social Science Foundation of China (07XMZ0172130493) three
National Social Science Foundation of China (05BA009) three
Social Science Foundation of Hebei Province (HB10UYS091) three
Hunan Educational Science "Eleventh Five Year Plan" Project (XJK06ADY014) three
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education (12YJC760054) three
Scientific Research Fund of Education Department of Yunnan Province (2011Z098) three
Scientific Research Fund of Education Department of Yunnan Province (V2012) three

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
Scientific Research Fund of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education fifty-seven
National Social Science Fund twenty-four
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education twenty-four
Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Foundation eleven
Yunnan Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project nine
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education eight
Philosophy and Social Science Planning of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region seven
General topic of Yunnan Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Base seven
The 11th Five Year Plan of Educational Science Research in Yunnan Province six
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Guizhou Provincial Department of Education five
Address: No. 356, Renmin West Road, Kunming, Postcode: 650118.