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 Journal of Intercultural Studies

Journal of Intercultural Studies Provincial Journals

Cross-Linguistic & Cross-Cultural Studies

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  • annual Publication cycle
  • -- CN
  • -- ISSN
Competent unit: China Social Sciences Press
Sponsor: China Social Sciences Press
Published in 2010
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Literature
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle)

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Introduction to the Journal of Cross Linguistic and Cultural Studies

Cross Linguistic and Cultural Studies is a large annual journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has chosen novel topics without losing its coverage, served the public without losing its theoretical height, and has received considerable attention and praise from the industry and readers.

Column setting of cross language and cultural research magazine

Language and culture, literature and culture, translation and culture, language and teaching, culture and teaching

Honorary Information of the Journal of Cross Linguistic and Cultural Studies

The way to subscribe to cross-cultural research magazines

Address: No.158, Gulou West Street, Beijing, 100720.

Notice to Contributors of the Journal of Cross Linguistic and Cultural Studies

1. The journal implements a review system that combines three levels of editorial review and anonymous review by external experts.

2. The title in Chinese must be concise and accurate, and can reflect the theme. It should not be too long. It is better to use less than 25 Chinese characters instead of subtitles. Avoid using abbreviations or symbols that are not public.

3. All references shall be quoted according to the order in which they appear in the text, and the quotation shall be marked with a superscript, such as "[1]" "[2]", etc.

4. The content summary is the refinement of the main points of the article, and the number of words is generally controlled at 200-300; Generally, there are 3-5 keywords (English abstract and keywords are preferred).

5. Each author signed by the author and the unit should be a person who has made substantial contributions to the work of the paper and should be responsible for the arguments and data in the paper.

Address: No.158, Gulou West Street, Beijing, 100720. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.