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 Journal of Civil Aviation

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Journal of Civil Aviation Ministerial journals

Journal of Civil Aviation

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1526/V CN
  • 2096-4994 ISSN
Competent Authority: Civil Aviation Administration of China
Sponsor: China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology; Civil Aviation of China
Started in 2017
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.13
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Journal of Civil Aviation

The Journal of Civil Aviation (CN: 10-1526/V) is a large bimonthly journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has chosen novel topics without losing its coverage, and served the public without losing its theoretical height. It is well received by the industry and readers.

Column Setting of Journal of Civil Aviation

Airport, human resources management, air traffic control, aviation meteorology, air transport, aviation safety, airworthiness, maintenance, informatization, policies and regulations, aviation manufacturing, aviation technology, general aviation, management, civil aviation finance, aviation technology, aviation support

Honorary Information of Journal of Civil Aviation

Journal of Civil Aviation

Address: No.31, Guangximen Beili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100028.

Notice for Contribution of Journal of Civil Aviation

1. The author should strengthen the awareness of academic integrity, consciously abide by academic ethics, and guard against the occurrence of anomie in academic research.

2. References: used to indicate the source of the citation, numbered "[1], [2], [3]..." and placed after the references; The serial number of the reference shall correspond to the serial number in the text. The same document shall be quoted many times, and the same serial number and page number shall be marked on the references in the text.

3. The abstract should accurately summarize the central topic of the full text, with 200~300 words. The keywords listed are 3 to 8 phrases, and should not be the same as the central word of the title.

4. Note: The bottom of the page is marked with Word footnote function. Footnote No.: ①, ②, ③...... Basic format: [nationality] Author: Book Title, publisher and year of publication, page number. (No need to add Chinese nationality); Electronic literature: [Serial number] Main responsible person. Electronic literature title [EB/OL]. Source or accessible address of electronic literature, publication or update date/reference date.

5. Title hierarchy The title hierarchy is coded consecutively in Arabic numerals, and the division of title hierarchy is generally not more than 4 levels. The first level title is 1, the second level title is 1.1, the third level title is 1.1.1, and the fourth level title is

Address: No.31, Guangximen Beili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100028.