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 Reading Digest Magazine

Reading Digest Magazine Provincial Journals

Reading Digest

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 42-1672/G2 CN
  • 1671-7724 ISSN
Competent unit: Hubei Publishing Workers Association; Hubei Changjiang Publishing Media Group Co., Ltd
Organizer: Hubei Publishing Workers Association; Hubei Changjiang Publishing Media Group Co., Ltd
Postal code: 38-368
Published in 2001
Format: A4
Published at: Hubei
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Cited times: 264
Database inclusion:

Wanfang Collection (middle) Collection of Shanghai Library National Library Collection Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle)

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Introduction to Reading Digest Magazine

Reading Digest (CN: 42-1672/G2) is a large monthly journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has chosen novel topics without losing its coverage, and served the public without losing its theoretical height. It is well received by the industry and readers.

"Reading Digest" is a journal with ideological guidance and clear orientation to the vast number of readers. The basic idea is "all ages, all over the world, wonderful articles", especially focusing on the introduction of new books from domestic publishers. Since its publication, the journal has been widely praised by readers, especially in culturally developed regions and major provincial capitals.

Column Setting of Reading Digest Magazine

History - learning from past can show, characters - real celebrities are romantic, culture - stories of ups and downs, gossip - gossip is not idle

Honorary Information of Reading Digest Magazine

Reading Digest Magazine Subscription

Address: No. 39, Huangli Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, 430077.

Instructions for contribution of Reading Digest Magazine

1. Title: try to be concise and eye-catching, and accurately reflect the theme of the article. Chinese titles are generally within 25 Chinese characters.

2. The amount of information included in the abstract should be basically consistent with the paper, so that readers can basically understand the views of the paper and the basic conclusions of the research through the abstract even if they do not read the full text.

3. The editorial department has the right to modify or abridge the submitted manuscript, but the substantial modification of the content will be approved by the author.

4. The literature entries are arranged according to the alphabetical order of the author's surname (Chinese surname is in accordance with its Chinese phonetic alphabet), and Chinese and foreign languages.

5. Brief introduction of all authors (name, work unit, professional title, research direction); Please provide the email address of the corresponding author.  

Data information of reading abstracts and magazines

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis on the Issue of Reading Abstracts

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan (201210347010) two
National Social Science Foundation of China (13XMZ032) one
National Social Science Foundation of China (10&ZD062) one
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11161001) one
Guangxi Higher Education Teaching Reform Project (2013JGA295) one
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan (201310720013) one
National Scientific Research Fund for Teachers (CTF120831) one
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (2010q119) one
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education (12YJC880033) one
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education (11JD710010) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
Scientific Research Fund of Education Department of Hunan Province ten
National Social Science Fund seven
Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department six
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Hebei Province six
Teaching Reform Research Project of Jiangxi Higher Education Institutions six
Research topic of Party building in colleges and universities of Liaoning Province six
The 12th Five Year Plan for Educational Science in Gansu Province five
Gansu Educational Science Planning Project five
Jilin Educational Science Planning Project five
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education five
Address: No. 39, Huangli Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, 430077.