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 Journal of Guangdong Peizheng University

Journal of Guangdong Peizheng University Provincial Journals

Journal of Guangdong Peizheng College

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • quarterly Publication cycle
  • -- CN
  • -- ISSN
Competent unit: Guangdong Peizheng University
Sponsor: Guangdong Peizheng University
Published in 2001
Format: A4
Published at: Guangdong
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influencing factor: 0.05
Cited times: 0.081
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Brief Introduction to the Essay Magazine of Guangdong Peizheng University

The Collection of Guangdong Peizheng College is a large quarterly journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has chosen novel topics without losing its coverage, served the public without losing its theoretical height, and has received much attention and praise from the industry and readers.

Column Setup of Essays Magazine of Guangdong Peizheng University

Research report, literature review, briefing, special research.

Honorary Information of Essay Magazine of Guangdong Peizheng University

Guangdong Peizheng University's journal subscription mode

Address: 53 Peizheng Road, Duchini Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, 510830.

Notice to contributors of Luncong Magazine of Guangdong Peizheng University

1. The point of view is novel, the argument is clear, the argument is rigorous, the material is true, and the text is fluent.

2. The topic of the article should be concise and appropriate. Generally, it should not exceed 28 words, and no subtitle is needed. Abbreviations, characters, codes, etc. shall not be used in the title as far as possible.

3. The reference documents shall adopt the sequential coding system and be arranged in the order in which they appear in the text. It is better to have at least 10 items. Direct quotation shall be marked with specific page number, and general quotation can be marked with page range.

4. Abstract: that is, to extract the views of the paper is a highly condensed view of the paper. It is required to be within 100 words.

5. The number of authorship between the author and the author of the company's manuscript generally does not exceed 5, and the number of authorship units does not exceed 3. In time, the author must attach a brief introduction, including the work unit, address, zip code, age, gender, nationality, education background, professional title and position; Other authors shall attach their unit, address and zip code.

Data information of the journal of Guangdong Peizheng University

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

An Analysis of the Articles Published in Essays of Guangdong Peizheng University

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Social Science Foundation of China (13AZD002) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Social Science Fund eight
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education four
Teaching reform project of higher education in the new century three
Social Science Foundation of Hubei Province two
Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department one
Doctoral Research Startup Fund one
Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province one
Teaching Reform Research Project of Hunan Ordinary Colleges and Universities one
Social Science Planning and Research Project of Shandong Province one
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation one
Address: 53 Peizheng Road, Duchini Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, 510830. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.