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 Friends of Students · Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine

Friends of Students · Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 23-1113/G4 CN
  • 1002-2003 ISSN
Competent unit: Harbin Education Research Institute
Sponsor: Harbin Education Research Institute
Published in 2007
Format: B5
Published at: Heilongjiang
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle)

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Student Friend · Introduction to Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine

Friends of Students · Children's Flowers and Fruits was first published in 2007. Its circulation period is monthly, director of Harbin Education Research Institute, and an academic journal sponsored by Harbin Education Research Institute. It is a magazine full of characteristics and charm. Its name comes from the symbol of childlike innocence and happiness - children's flowers and fruits, which means that the magazine is committed to bringing relaxed and happy reading experience to students. It is this unique concept that makes Friends of Students · Children's Flowers and Fruits have a wide readership among primary and middle school students, and become one of the mandatory counseling magazines in the minds of many students. First, its content is rich and diverse, covering literature, science, history, art and other fields. Each issue of the magazine has carefully planned a number of columns, including appreciation of classic literary works, lectures on popular science knowledge, biographies of historical figures, appreciation of works of art, etc. These columns are not only informative, but also interesting and interactive, enabling students to gain more knowledge and enlightenment in a relaxed and pleasant reading.

The magazine focuses on students' reading experience and emotional communication. In the selection of articles, the magazine editing team deeply understood the reading needs and interests of primary and secondary school students, selected articles full of childlike innocence and interest, and explained complex concepts and knowledge with simple and clear words and vivid examples. At the same time, the magazine also encourages students to actively participate and communicate through some interactive links and letters from readers, so that readers can feel companionship and warmth in the process of reading.

In addition, it also pays attention to cultivating students' innovative thinking and practical ability. In addition to regular article reading, the magazine also has some interesting hands-on columns and thinking training questions to guide students to think and explore actively and cultivate their innovative awareness and practical ability. These columns include handicrafts, scientific experiments, creative painting, etc. Through these columns, students can get more fun and inspiration in practice. Finally, its editorial team is very professional and diligent. They have a deep understanding of the needs and interests of primary and secondary students, and through careful planning and selection, they have provided high-quality and valuable articles and columns for students. At the same time, the magazine also pays attention to the interaction and communication with readers, understands the feedback and opinions of readers through letters, comments and other ways, and constantly improves the content and form of the magazine.

Friends of Students · Column Setup of Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine

Fairy tale tree, quiz ox knife, fable magic bag, quiet humor, idiom interesting painting, storytelling and word interpretation, and pleasant reading house

Student Friend · Honorary Information of Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine

Friends of Students · Subscription of Children's Flower and Fruit Magazine

Address: No. 21, Jingyang Street, Daowai District, Harbin 150020.

Student Friend · Instructions for Contribution of Tonghuaguo Magazine

1. The contributions must be original. If the work is co authored by more than one person, the consent of the other authors must be obtained, and the other authors must be indicated. Any dispute arising from the copyright of a manuscript shall be borne by the author himself.

2. Please put the title, abstract, keywords (in both Chinese and English), author's name, employer, mailing address, postal code, contact number, fax, E-MAIL and other personal information on the front page. Personal information must be complete and accurate so that the editorial department can contact the author in a timely manner.

3. The text should be as low as possible, and generally should not exceed 3 layers. The numerical serial number is listed only when there is a title content (the content without a title starts with a natural paragraph). There is no need to add a dot after the numerical serial number, but it should be 1 space empty.

4. Abstract: A written article should be accompanied by a 600 word abstract in both Chinese and English. The structured summary includes four parts: purpose, method, results (main data and specific statistical results shall be listed) and conclusion, and each part shall be titled accordingly.

5. The introduction is below the title, and there is no division and layering of the title: use 1) 2) 3), etc., ① ② ③, etc., abc, etc., and at the beginning of the paragraph, the first two words should be back.

6. This journal advocates extensive quotation, which should be noted when quoting other people's research results. The number "① ②" must be marked at the top right corner of the end of the citation, and the citation source must be listed at the foot of the page ("Insert" → "Reference" → "Footnote" in the application toolbar).

7. The illustrations (photos and line diagrams) shall be of high resolution, the resolution of line diagrams shall not be less than 600dpi, and the single picture shall be more than 2Mb. The illustrations shall not be inserted into the text. Please create a separate folder, and the picture description shall be marked at the appropriate position of the text and strictly correspond to the figure number of the illustration.

8. Fund project: If the manuscript is a fund project at or above the provincial or ministerial level, the project category, project name and project number shall be marked in the footnote on the first page of the article.

9. This magazine advocates rigorous scholarship to ensure the originality of the main ideas and contents of the paper. For the quotation of other people's research achievements, the source must be indicated, and references must be attached; Figures and tables indicate the source of data, and there is no infringement of others' copyright. Otherwise, the author will take full responsibility for intellectual property disputes caused by plagiarism and other reasons, and the editorial department reserves the right to investigate the author's responsibility.

10. Thesis should be "scientific research" and "innovative", with a clear theme, clear argument and strong logic. Respect the signature method determined by the author, but the author must indicate the true name and contact information on the manuscript.

Address: No. 21, Jingyang Street, Daowai District, Harbin 150020. This website only displays historical information, and does not provide any services.