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 Journal of Water Industry Market

Journal of Water Industry Market Ministerial journals

Water-Industry Market

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 11-4022/TU CN
  • 2072-1307 ISSN
Competent unit: Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor: Information Center of the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Published in 2004
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: water conservancy
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Journal of Water Industry Market

The Water Industry Market was founded in 2004. Its circulation cycle is monthly, an academic journal sponsored by the Information Center of the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China and in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China. As a leading professional water industry media organization in China, the magazine has always been committed to providing comprehensive industry news, market analysis, technical research, policy interpretation and other popular content for water treatment professionals. These contents not only involve all aspects of the water treatment industry, but also include policies and regulations, market trends, technological innovation and other aspects to meet the needs of different readers.

Featuring comprehensive industry news, the magazine reports the latest technological progress, market dynamics and policy changes in the water treatment industry. Whether it is a major event in the water treatment industry at home and abroad, or enterprise trends, new product releases and other information, readers can learn at the first time through the magazine Water Industry Market. In addition, the magazine also focuses on in-depth analysis and interpretation of hot issues in the water treatment industry, providing readers with a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding.

In terms of market analysis, the magazine conducted in-depth research and analysis on the current market situation and trend of the water treatment industry. Through collecting a large amount of data and information, combined with market demand and development trend, it provides readers with detailed market reports and forecasts. These reports not only help readers understand the current market situation, but also guide enterprises and investors to make wise decisions. Technology research is another important part of the magazine. The magazine focuses on the technological innovation and research achievements of the water treatment industry, providing readers with the latest scientific and technological information and technological development trends. By introducing advanced technologies and processes, magazines can not only help readers understand the latest technological progress, but also promote technical exchanges and cooperation. Policy interpretation is another characteristic part of the magazine. The magazine focuses on national policies, regulations and development plans in the water treatment industry, and timely interprets the meaning and impact behind the policies for readers. Through in-depth analysis of the policy background and objectives, the magazine provides readers with clear policy guidance and ideas, which helps readers grasp the direction of industry development.

Column setting of water industry market magazine

Special topics, character interviews, markets, municipal water treatment, information_industry, industrial water treatment

Honorary Information of Water Industry Market Magazine

Subscription mode of water industry market magazine

Address: Business Building 5009, No. 21, Ganjiakou, Haidian District, Beijing, 100037.

Notice to Contributors of Water Industry Market Magazine

1. Manuscripts shall have titles, abstracts, keywords, references and notes. The English translation of title, abstract, key words and the author's profile (name, gender, date of birth, professional title, degree, research direction, contact number, zip code) are also attached.

2. The references must be limited to the public literature that the author has personally read in the past five years, listed at the end of the article according to the citation order, and marked with the number in the upper right corner of the quotation with square brackets.

3. The title should be concise and concise, and should not exceed 20 words. Words and phrases that have no substantive content and are optional should be deleted. Words such as "about" and "try to analyze" can generally be omitted; "Research", "analysis", "thinking", etc. without specific attribute elements should also be regarded as redundant words and deleted.

4. The footnote is in Song typeface with small five point character. Please use Chinese numbers for Chinese year numbers and volumes of ancient books. Please use Arabic numerals for other items such as calendar year, issue number and page number of journal volume.  

5. Author's name and work unit: under the title, the author's name should be written. Under the name, the company's name (first and second level units), city (province name must be added before a city that is not a provincial capital), and zip code should be written. Multiple authors from different units should list the above information with serial numbers; Author's mailing address and telephone number.

6. The abstract of the paper should be written as a reportable abstract as far as possible, including the purpose, method, result and conclusion. It should be independent and self contained. The key words should be normative words or combinations (3-5 words) close to the meaning of the text.

7. In principle, the subjects funded by the scientific research fund should be described at or above the national or provincial or ministerial level. The full name of the scientific research fund institution and its autonomy should be indicated. The Chinese and English bilingual descriptions should be placed under the keywords of the Chinese and English abstracts respectively, and the project number should be indicated in parentheses.

8. The figures or tables in the text are arranged in the order of Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3,... or Table 1, Table 2, Table 3,... respectively. The title of the figure is at the bottom of the figure and the title of the table is at the top of the table, and the data and data sources are indicated. If there is any supplementary description, it shall be in the form of "Note:".

9. All quantities and units in the text shall use the latest standard of legal measurement units of the People's Republic of China. All kinds of symbols and letters shall be correctly marked with large and small letters, and the positions of the upper and lower corner characters shall be clearly distinguished. Punctuation shall be used accurately.

10. The Editorial Committee may put forward suggestions on the revision of the contributions, but except for the technical handling, it will not make revisions on behalf of the author, and will be responsible for the writing itself. Document type: One copy in WORD format and one copy in PDF format, please do not compress.

Address: Business Building 5009, No. 21, Ganjiakou, Haidian District, Beijing, 100037.