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 Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

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Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology CSCD Journal Statistical source journal

Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • quarterly Publication cycle
  • 10-1604/TP CN
  • 2096-6652 ISSN
Competent unit: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press Co., Ltd
Postal code: 80-798
Published in 2019
Format: A4
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: 1-3 months
Influencing factor: 1.756
Database inclusion:

Source journal of CSCD China Science Citation Database (including extended edition) Statistical source journal (excellent journal of Chinese scientific papers) Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

The Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology was founded in 2019, with a publishing cycle of quarterly, an academic journal sponsored by the People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, which is in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. As an important academic journal in the field of intelligent science and technology, it always aims to build a world-class scientific and technological journal and is committed to promoting the development and application of intelligent science and technology. Focusing on the field of intelligent science and technology, the journal adheres to the important principle of "experts run journals", and adheres to "promoting cross-border integration, focusing on collaborative innovation, strengthening production, teaching, research and application, building an open, innovative and internationally leading academic exchange platform for intelligent science and technology research, and helping to build a healthy ecological field for intelligent science and technology and its industrial applications" The purpose of running a journal.

Intelligent science and technology is one of the hot areas of current scientific and technological development, covering artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing and many other aspects. This journal conducts research closely around the field of intelligent science and technology, publishes innovative and high-quality academic papers, and makes important contributions to promoting the development and application of intelligent science and technology. Intelligent science and technology is a highly interdisciplinary field, which requires cooperation and integration between different disciplines. This journal actively promotes cross-border integration, encourages authors with different academic backgrounds to jointly study intelligent science and technology issues, and promotes interdisciplinary and academic exchanges. At the same time, we focus on collaborative innovation, encourage the combination of industry, university, research and application, strengthen cooperation with the industry, and jointly promote the development and application of intelligent science and technology.

The journal always adheres to the concept of combining production, learning, research and application, and focuses on translating academic research achievements into practical applications. By building an open, innovative and internationally leading academic exchange platform, this journal provides scholars with a platform to display research results and exchange academic ideas, as well as important intellectual support and technical guidance for enterprises and industries. This magazine focuses on expanding its international influence, and constantly improves its international popularity through cooperation with internationally renowned publishing institutions. At the same time, the magazine also actively invites internationally renowned scholars to participate in the review and editorial board work to improve the internationalization level and influence of the journal. By building an open and innovative academic exchange platform, this journal strives to become an international demonstration leading journal in the field of intelligent science and technology.

Honorary Information of Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

Address: Floor 8, Post and Telecommunications Publishing Building, No. 11, Chengshousi Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100078.

Notice to contributors of Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology

1. Title (in Chinese): The title should be concise, specific and accurate, summarizing the gist of the article, and conforming to the relevant principles of compiling the title, indexing and retrieval. The Chinese title should generally be less than 15 characters, and the maximum length should not exceed 25 characters. If necessary, subtitles can be added. Avoid using informal abbreviations, characters, codes, structures and formulas. If the article is funded, a footnote "*" should be added to the top right corner of the Chinese title.

2. It is required that there are more than 10 references in both Chinese and English, and only the latest and most necessary public publications are listed. It is recommended to quote relevant articles published in well-known journals of the industry as far as possible, and mark them with superscripts in order accordingly.

3. Author profile: Each article should have an author profile and a photo, which should be placed after the references, including all the authors. The order of appearance of the author should be consistent with the order of signature of the author of the article. Please give the brief introduction of all authors in the following order: name (year of birth), gender, degree, organization, professional title, position and main research direction. The bareheaded photos of all authors are attached. The photo requires a 1-inch certificate photo with more than 300 pixels.

4. Notes: This journal adopts a separate layout of "references" and "notes". "notes" are further explanations or supplementary explanations of a specific content in the body of the treatise. The layout is immediately followed by the body of the treatise. The notes are sorted separately with the serial number of ① ② ③... and note that the superscript format is not used for notes in the text.

5. The writing order of research papers (including research briefs) includes: title, author's name, author's unit, Chinese abstract, keywords, English title (consistent with Chinese), English author and unit, English abstract and keywords, text, and references.

6. The purpose of the study should be given directly in the abstract, which can be summarized in one sentence. Research methods and results must be detailed and specific. Research results include specific values or trends, determined relationships, results and performance. The conclusion is the analysis, comparison, evaluation, application and questions raised of the results.

7. Fund projects refer to the supporting background of the article output, such as key research projects of the National Social Science Fund, the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Department of Education, municipal and academy level scientific research projects, etc. Articles that have been approved by provincial and municipal scientific research projects should be marked with their names and project numbers.

8. Text: Chinese font adopts Song typeface, Western font adopts Times New Roman, and units involved use international standard codes. The front and back of the decimal point are expressed in a way of three digits apart, such as 1000.001 002. There is an interval between quantity and unit, such as 3 km. All foreign variables, vectors and matrices (including the upper and lower subscripts) are in italics, and the units and constants are in normal font, not generated by the formula editor. When English abbreviations appear for the first time in the text, their Chinese names and full English names should be given, such as DSL (digital subscriber line), and they should be consistent throughout the text.

9. It is unnecessary to list the contents that can be explained concisely in words. Figures and tables shall be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the text. Each chart shall be preceded by the chart number, title and table title.

10. Author signature: The author signature of the article is after the title. The Chinese phonetic alphabet of the Chinese author's name shall be the first name followed by the last name, with a space in the middle. All the letters of the last name shall be capitalized, and the compound surname shall be continuous; The first letter of the first name is capitalized, and the two names are written together. The last name and the first name are not abbreviated, and the author's name is connected by commas. The names of foreign authors shall be written in accordance with international practice.

Address: Floor 8, Post and Telecommunications Publishing Building, No. 11, Chengshousi Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100078.