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 Journal of the People's Police University of China

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Journal of the People's Police University of China Ministerial journals

Journal of China People's Police University

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 13-1434/G4 CN
  • 2097-0900 ISSN
Competent unit: Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor: China People's Police University
Published in 1985
Format: A4
Published at: Hebei
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influencing factor: 0.474
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Journal of the People's Police University of China

The Journal of the People's Police University of China was first published in 1985, with a circulation of monthly, an academic journal in charge of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by the People's Police University of China. It is a comprehensive academic journal focusing on the border work of public security, mainly studying the security, border defense, border management and other issues in China's border areas. The magazine aims to explore how to maintain the security and stability of the national border, and provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the border defense work of public security.

It focuses on theoretical research, and deeply discusses the theoretical issues of social governance, security and prevention, and combating crime in China's border areas. The in-depth study of these theoretical issues will help to improve the scientific and professional level of the border defense work of public security. At the same time, the magazine also pays attention to the summary and sharing of practical experience. Through publishing excellent cases and analysis reports, it shows the readers the actual achievements and lessons learned from the border work of public security. Secondly, it focuses on the actual situation of China's border areas, and discusses the strategies and methods of border management and prevention and control. The magazine analyzed the current situation and tasks of border management and put forward a series of targeted measures and suggestions, such as strengthening border patrol, strengthening intelligence information collection and analysis. At the same time, the magazine also introduced the advanced border management experience and technical means at home and abroad, providing a useful reference for promoting China's border management.

In addition, it also pays attention to exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign academic circles. The magazine actively participates in academic conferences and seminars at home and abroad, and invites well-known scholars and experts at home and abroad to give lectures and exchange. This kind of exchange and cooperation not only helps to expand the influence of this magazine, but also helps to promote the innovation and development of our country's public security border work. The magazine pays attention to the summary and sharing of theoretical research and practical experience, actively exchanges and cooperates with the academic circles at home and abroad, and has made important contributions to promoting the development of China's public security frontier defense.

Column Setup of Journal of the People's Police University of China

Smart policing technology, fire prevention engineering research, emergency rescue technology, education and training research

Honorary Information of Journal of the People's Police University of China

The way to subscribe to the journal of the People's Police University of China

Address: Mentougou District, Beijing 102300.

Notice to Contributors of Journal of the People's Police University of China

1. If plagiarism, pseudonymy and other violations of the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law are found after the manuscript is published, the author shall bear the responsibility, and we reserve the right to investigate the responsibility of the relevant author through legal means.

2. The number of references shall not be less than 7, which shall be arranged in the order indicated in the text. The bibliographic items of references must be complete, accurate and reliable, and the types of references must be identified in a corresponding way: books [M], conference papers [C], newspaper articles [N], journal articles [J], dissertations [D], reports [R], standards [S], patents [P], compilations [G], network literature [EB/OL], and other types of literature [Z].

3. Concretely and accurately summarize the gist of the article. The Chinese title generally does not exceed 20 Chinese characters, and subtitles can be added when necessary. The title of the paper shall be translated into the corresponding English title at the same time.

4. Notes: This journal adopts a separate layout of "references" and "notes". "notes" are further explanations or supplementary explanations of a specific content in the body of the treatise. The layout is immediately followed by the body of the treatise. The notes are sorted separately with the serial number of ① ② ③... and note that the superscript format is not used for notes in the text.

5. Please indicate the author's real name, detailed mailing address, postal code, work unit, position, professional title, education background, age, gender and other natural conditions and contact number when submitting.

6. The abstract must be written from the perspective of a third party, with rigorous structure, precise semantics and concise expression, focusing on reflecting the innovative points of the paper and the views specially emphasized by the author, without charts, lengthy mathematical formulas, non-public symbols, abbreviations and other contents, and should be written independently with 100 to 300 words.

7. If there are fund projects or other funded projects in the contributions, please list the type, name and number of fund or other funded projects in detail. In principle, there are no more than three fund projects or other funded projects in each contribution.

8. The text shall be described in Word document, column, Song typeface and five character. Arabic numerals, English (and other western characters) and English references in the text are all in Times New Roman font; There is no space between Chinese characters and between Chinese characters and punctuation marks.

9. The illustrations (photos and line diagrams) shall be of high resolution, and the line diagram resolution shall not be less than 600dpi. A single picture shall be more than 2Mb. The illustrations shall not be inserted into the text. Please create a separate folder, and the picture description shall be marked in the appropriate position of the text and strictly correspond to the figure number of the illustration.

10. Authors must abide by academic norms and ethics, and their contributions must not be plagiarized, repeatedly published, multiple submissions, false signatures and other academic misconduct. All contributions are checked for academic misconduct, and we reserve the right to investigate the relevant responsibilities of academic misconduct authors.

Address: Mentougou District, Beijing 102300.