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 Guangdong Journal of Youth Studies

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Guangdong Journal of Youth Studies Provincial Journals

The Youth Studies of Guangdong

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • quarterly Publication cycle
  • 44-1749/D CN
  • 2096-9325 ISSN
Competent unit: Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League
Sponsored by: Guangdong Youth League School (Guangdong Youth Political College)
Published in 1987
Format: A4
Published at: Guangdong
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influencing factor: 0.139
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Guangdong Youth Research Journal

Guangdong Youth Studies was first published in 1987. Its circulation cycle is quarterly. It is an academic journal in charge of Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and sponsored by Guangdong Youth League School (Guangdong Youth Political College). The magazine is an important academic publishing platform, dedicated to publishing the latest research achievements related to youth research. It not only provides a platform for academic exchange and cooperation for researchers, but also provides rich theoretical support and empirical data for understanding youth culture, social behavior, development trends, etc. The magazine has a wide range of publications, including but not limited to youth psychology, youth sociology, youth policy research, youth health and welfare, youth culture research and other fields. The research achievements in these fields not only demonstrate the depth and breadth of youth research, but also provide new ideas and methods for further promoting youth research.

Magazines play an important role in promoting academic exchanges and cooperation. It not only provides a platform for researchers to show their research results, but also provides opportunities for communication and cooperation between researchers. By reading and quoting other people's research achievements, researchers can understand the latest research trends, find new research problems, and promote the in-depth development of academic research. The editorial team of the magazine is composed of a group of professionals with rich academic background and editing experience. They strictly control the quality of papers, and strictly implement national standards and norms from the topic selection, manuscript review, editing to publication, to ensure the quality and academic value of papers. At the same time, the magazine also has a team of high-quality reviewers whose professional knowledge and rich experience provide valuable suggestions and guidance for the review and revision of papers.

Magazines are of great significance in promoting the development of youth research. It not only provides a platform for academic exchange, but also provides rich theoretical support and empirical data for understanding youth. By publishing research results in different fields, the magazine shows the depth and breadth of youth research, and provides new ideas and methods for further promoting youth research. In addition, Guangdong Youth Research also focuses on exchanges and cooperation with academic circles at home and abroad. It not only actively participated in academic conferences and seminars at home and abroad, but also established extensive cooperation with other academic journals and institutions to jointly promote the development of youth research. Through cooperation with other academic journals and institutions, the magazine has promoted exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign academic circles, and has made contributions to improving the overall level of Chinese youth research.

Column setting of Guangdong Youth Research Journal

The reform of the Communist Youth League and youth organizations, national governance and youth development _ family, school and community work together to promote basic education research, national governance and youth development

Honorary Information of Guangdong Youth Research Journal

Subscription mode of Guangdong Youth Research Magazine

Address: No. 101, South Xianlong Street, Zhanggang, Zhongluotan Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510550.

Notice to contributors of Guangdong Youth Research Magazine

1. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument shall be novel, the argument shall be sufficient, the data shall be reliable, the writing responsibility shall be borne by itself (plagiarism is strictly prohibited), and the words shall be refined.

2. Please attach the author's name, gender, nationality, work unit, position/title, mailing address, postal code, contact number, E-MaiI address at the end of the article.

3. The title requires accurate and concise words to reflect the most important specific content in the article. Generally, phrases that can fully reflect the subject content of the paper are used. It is not necessary to use complete sentences with subject, predicate and object structures. It is better not to use punctuation marks.

4. The purpose of the study should be given directly in the abstract, which can be summarized in one sentence. Research methods and results must be detailed and specific. Research results include specific values or trends, determined relationships, results and performance. The conclusion is the analysis, comparison, evaluation, application and questions raised of the results.

5. The preface should briefly introduce the writing background and purpose of the thesis, explain the hot spots and existing problems of the thesis research, and point out the theoretical basis, experimental basis, research methods and results of the theme. It should be concise and focused. The content of the introduction should not be identical with the summary and conclusion.

6. The footnote is in Song typeface with small five point character. Please use Chinese numbers for Chinese year numbers and volumes of ancient books. Please use Arabic numerals for other items such as calendar year, issue number and page number of journal volume.

7. The chart shall be self explanatory, and the title and explanatory text shall include experimental objects, methods, conditions, etc. The number of charts should be simplified, and the same group of data cannot be repeated in different charts.

8. Open a "fast track" for papers funded by provincial and ministerial level and above fund projects (submit scanned copies of fund project approval documents when submitting papers and note in the documents).

9. The content of contributions shall include title, author's name, content summary, keywords, text, notes, etc; The author's work unit and title; The author's detailed mailing address, zip code, telephone number and e-mail address.

10. References shall be public publications for verification by reviewers, editors and readers. Please try not to quote more than 5 years (preferably within 2 years), and rank them in the order in which they appear in the text.

Address: No. 101, South Xianlong Street, Zhanggang, Zhongluotan Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510550.