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 Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching

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Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching Ministerial journals

China Journal of Multimedia & Network Teaching

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 11-9321/G CN
  • 2097-1648 ISSN
Competent unit: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor: Tsinghua University
Published in 2002
Format: B5
Published at: Beijing
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.12
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle)

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Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching

The Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching, the first ten issue, focuses on the application of multimedia technology in education, and explores the impact of multimedia technology on teaching mode and education reform. In modern society, the development of multimedia technology has played an important role in promoting education and teaching. The journal aims to improve the teaching effect and learning motivation, and promote the development of educational informatization. First, the journal focuses on the application of multimedia technology in education. Through studying and reporting the application cases and latest practices of multimedia technology, the journal provides valuable experience and guidance for educational practitioners. These research results can help educators make better use of multimedia technology, provide more rich, vivid and effective teaching content, and enhance students' interest and motivation in learning.

This journal explores the impact of multimedia technology on teaching mode and educational reform. With the continuous development of multimedia technology, educational models are also evolving and innovating. The journal focuses on the innovation and transformation of traditional teaching mode by multimedia technology, and explores the modern teaching mode supported by multimedia technology. These research results provide important ideas and references for educational reform.

The journal pays special attention to the hot topic of online education and teaching. Online education has become an important development direction in the field of education. The journal focuses on research on online education platforms, educational technology tools, and shares the latest practices and cases of online education and teaching. Through research and exploration in this field, the journal aims to promote the innovation and optimization of online education and improve the sharing and popularization of educational resources.

Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching · Column Setup of the First Ten Year Journal

Online education and teaching, international education research, education reform and innovation, efficient management strategy, teacher team construction, innovative employment exploration, curriculum teaching philosophy

Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching · Honorary Information of the First Ten Year Journal

Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching · Subscription Mode of the First Ten Year Journal

Address: P.O. Box 84-42, Tsinghua University, Postcode: 100084.

Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching · Notice for Contribution of the First Ten Year Journal

(1) The author is requested to keep a copy of the manuscript, and the manuscript will not be returned. If he/she does not receive the notice of recruitment within three months, the author can handle it at his/her own expense.

(2) From the date of submission, if the manuscript is not notified within 3 months, you can handle it yourself. Do not submit more than one manuscript. Once employed, the editorial department has the right to make necessary amendments to the manuscript for the sake of layout.

(3) The electronic literature information downloaded from the Internet is [J/OL], [EB/OL], [M/OL], etc., and the download date shall be indicated later. Chinese literature is ordered by the Chinese phonetic alphabet of the author's name, foreign literature is ordered by the letters of the author's surname, and different titles of the same author are ordered by the year of publication.

(4) The first level title is numbered as I, II, III, the second level title is numbered as (I), (II), (III), the third level title is numbered as 1, 2, 3, and the fourth level title is numbered as (1), (2), (3). The first level title is centered, the second level is left aligned, and the third level title is left indented by two spaces.

(5) Quote A complete paragraph, with the full stop of the quotation mark inside the quotation mark; An incomplete quotation, that is, the word is not preceded by a full stop or quoted from a text clause, and the full stop is outside the quotation marks. The exclamation mark and question mark at the end of the quotation are usually placed in the next quotation mark.

(6) A note is a further explanation or supplementary explanation of the title, the author and a specific content of the article. The note serial number is represented by Arabic numerals with parentheses; The notes are placed after the end of the text and before the references.

(7) Please attach a brief introduction of the first author and corresponding author, including name, gender, birth year, native place, degree, professional title, main research direction, e-mail, etc.

(8) It is required to attach a summary of about 400 words in Chinese and English, which must include four parts: purpose, method, result (main data should be given) and conclusion, and each part should be titled accordingly. Write in the third person without segmentation.

(9) If the paper is the result of a fund project, a national, provincial or ministerial educational teaching research project, a national social science fund project or the above project, a footnote should be inserted in the upper right corner of the article title, and the project name and number should be noted in the footnote (if the article does not have this item, it can be omitted).

(10) The writing shall be standardized. The use of physical quantities and unit symbols shall comply with national standards. Letters and symbols in foreign languages in the manuscript must be distinguished from large, small, front, italic, white and black; The position of the upper and lower corner marks shall be clearly distinguished.

Chinese Journal of Multimedia and Network Teaching · Example of the First Ten Year Journal

Address: P.O. Box 84-42, Tsinghua University, Postcode: 100084.