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 Journal of Light Industry

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Journal of Light Industry Peking University Journal

Journal of Light Industry

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 41-1437/TS CN
  • 2096-1553 ISSN
Competent unit: Education Department of Henan Province
Sponsored by: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
Postal code: 36-151
Published in 1986
Format: B5
Published at: Henan
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: 1-3 months
Impact factor: 0.81
Cited times: 79
Database inclusion:

Peking University Journal (Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal) Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) CA Chemical Abstracts (U.S.) P ∨ (AJ) Abstract magazine (Russia) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Journal of light industry

Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry (CN: 41-1437/TS) is a large bimonthly journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has selected new topics without losing its coverage, and served the public without losing its theoretical height. It is well received by the industry and readers.

The Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry mainly publishes research results on Marxism and the Chinese road, new media and cultural communication, philosophy, political science and public management, law, sociology, literature and history, economy and management, art space, foreign languages and cross-cultural communication, and other topics.

Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Social Science Edition) has been renamed as Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Social Science Edition).

Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry (Natural Science Edition) has been renamed as Journal of Light Industry.

Column Setting of Journal of Light Industry

Electromechanical Science and Engineering, Information and Control Engineering, Computer and Communication Engineering, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Food and Biological Engineering, Basic Mathematics and Physics

Honorary Information of Journal of Light Industry

Subscription mode of journal of light industry

Address: No. 136, Kexue Avenue, High tech Zone, Zhengzhou 450001.

Notice to contributors of Journal of Light Industry

1. The content highlights theoretical, academic, practical and exploratory.

2. The title should be concise and eye-catching, reflecting the theme of the article. The Chinese text should be no more than 20 Chinese characters, and English text should be attached.

3. The note is placed at the end of the text (endnote). The note number is marked with [1], [2], [3]... and the full text is sorted uniformly. The note serial number in the body is uniformly placed in the upper right corner after the sentence containing the quotation (sometimes it may also be a word or phrase) or paragraph punctuation mark.

4. Please add about 200 words of Chinese and English abstracts and 3~8 Chinese and English keywords.

5. Provide a brief introduction of the author: name, gender, nationality (the Han nationality can be omitted), work unit (write down to the secondary college), professional title or position, main research direction or discipline expertise or professional and technical work, postal code, e-mail address, contact number.

Journal of Light Industry Data Information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis on the Articles Published by Journal of Light Industry

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11371070) four
National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan (201310720013) four
National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271854) three
National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAD27B03) two
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51173172) two
National Natural Science Foundation of China (50573030) two
Science and Technology Research Program of Henan Province (122102110055) two
National Science and Technology Major Project (2012ZX07202-005) one
Basic and Frontier Technology Research Program of Henan Province (142300410188) one
National High tech Research and Development Plan (2012AA021303) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Natural Science Foundation of China two hundred and seventy
Science and Technology Research Plan of Henan Province eighty-five
Doctoral Research Startup Fund sixty-nine
Science and Technology Project of China National Tobacco Corporation thirty-three
Henan University Science and Technology Innovation Team Support Plan twenty
Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province nineteen
Basic and Frontier Technology Research Program of Henan Province eleven
Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province nine
Henan Provincial University Young Key Teachers Funding Program nine
National Science and Technology Support Plan seven
Address: No. 136, Kexue Avenue, High tech Zone, Zhengzhou 450001.