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 English Square Magazine

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English Square Magazine Provincial Journals

English Square

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Ten day issue Publication cycle
  • 42-1617/G4 CN
  • 1009-6167 ISSN
Competent unit: Changjiang Publishing Media Co., Ltd
Organizer: Hubei Changjiang Newspaper and Media (Group) Co., Ltd
Postal code: 38-526
Published in 2011
Format: A4
Published at: Hubei
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.021
Cited times: 1
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to English Square Magazine

English Square (CN: 42-1617/G4) is a large-scale ten day journal with high academic value. Since its inception, it has chosen novel topics without losing its coverage, and served the public without losing its theoretical height. It is well received by the industry and readers.

In line with the purpose of "reading original works with ease and learning English with pleasure", English Square advocates the learning concept of "learning with pleasure". Its lively publishing style and excellent article selection are widely welcomed by readers, especially college students, and have achieved good social and economic benefits.

Column setting of English square magazine

Literary criticism and appreciation, translation theory and practice, linguistic theory and research, teaching theory and innovation, teaching practice and discussion, basic teaching theory and thinking

Honorary Information of English Plaza Magazine

Subscription mode of English Plaza magazine

Address: Floor 3, Changjiang Media Building, No. 78 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, 430079.

Notice to contributors of English Plaza Magazine

1. If the manuscripts delivered to this magazine are not adopted within one month, they can be handled separately.

2. The notes are placed under the current page in the form of footnotes, in the form of ① ② ③, and each page is numbered separately.

3. The title should be concise and reflect the theme of the article. The Chinese text shall not exceed 20 Chinese characters.

4. Citation of references should be scientific and reasonable, especially respecting the labor of authors who have published relevant papers in this journal. When quoting, reference should be considered as far as possible, and there should be a certain amount of references.

5. About the author: name, date of birth, native place, degree (obtained or studying), work unit, position and title.

English Plaza Magazine Data Information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of English Square Magazine

Address: Floor 3, Changjiang Media Building, No. 78 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, 430079.