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 Jiangxi Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine

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Jiangxi Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine Provincial Journals

Practical Clinical Medicine

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Bimonthly Publication cycle
  • 36-1242/R CN
  • 1009-8194 ISSN
Competent unit: Nanchang University
Sponsor: Nanchang University School of Medicine
Postal code: 44-119
Published in 2000
Format: A4
Published at: Jiangxi
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Impact factor: 0.74
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) CA Chemical Abstracts (U.S.) JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Jiangxi Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine

This journal mainly publishes academic papers and reviews that reflect the research results, methods and technologies, new discoveries, new progress and other aspects of clinical medicine in various disciplines. Its main readers are clinical medical workers.

Practical Clinical Medicine · Column Setup of Jiangxi Journal

Clinical internal medicine, clinical surgery, clinical obstetrics and gynecology, clinical pediatrics, clinical facial science, clinical imaging, clinical nursing, investigation report, review, notice

Honorary Information of Jiangxi Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine

Practical Clinical Medicine · Jiangxi Journal Subscription

Address: No. 461, Bayi Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Zip code: 330006.

Practical Clinical Medicine · Instructions for Contribution of Jiangxi Journal

(1) The basic requirements for contributions are novel subject matter, authentic content, clear argument, clear hierarchy, reliable data and fluent sentences. Articles generally do not exceed 5000 words. Please send a printed copy of your contribution, and we recommend you to submit your contribution by email.

(2) The title should reflect the content of the article accurately and concisely. Generally, it should not exceed 20 words. The name of the author should be listed under the title.

(3) The number of authors and the number of authorship of the company's manuscript generally does not exceed 5, and the number of authorship units does not exceed 3. The first author must attach a brief introduction, including the work unit, address, zip code, age, gender, nationality, education background, professional title and position; Other authors shall attach their unit, address and zip code.

(4) Abstracts and keywords All papers are required to have Chinese abstracts and keywords. The abstracts are written in the third person. They are divided into four parts: purpose, method, result and conclusion. They can completely and accurately summarize the substantive content of the article. It is better to use about 150 words. Generally, there are 3-6 keywords.

(5) The first level title of the title hierarchy is identified with "I, II,...", the second level title is identified with "(I), (II),...", the third level title is identified with "1.2.", and the fourth level title is identified with "(1), (2)". Generally, it should not exceed 4 layers. The header line and the first line of each paragraph of the body are two blank spaces. No punctuation is added at the end of each level of title.

(6) The legal symbol of unit of measurement must be used in the text of units of measurement, figures and symbols.

(7) References

Only the literature that has been read by the author in person and published in the public can be listed, and only the major literature can be listed. The sequential coding system is adopted for description. The Arabic numerals are numbered according to the order of occurrence in the text, and listed at the end of the text. The numbers and square brackets are placed in the upper right corner of the quotation in the text. The writing format is: author, title, year of publication; Year (issue): start page, online reference material serial number, author, title website (to sub column), and upload date.

In order to ensure the authority of this journal, it is prohibited to plagiarize in any form. The author shall be responsible for the manuscript, and the editorial department has the right to make necessary amendments. If the manuscript has not received the notice of withdrawal or employment within 3 months, the author can handle it by himself and submit it to other publications. Manuscripts that have not been accepted are generally not rejected. Please keep your own copy.

Practical Clinical Medicine · Example of Jiangxi Journal

Inhibitory effect of honeysuckle ethanol extract on acute inflammation

Diagnostic value of serum cystatin C and urinary microalbumin in early diabetic renal injury

Clinical Internal Medicine

Clinical Study of Delayed Coronary Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction

Effects of psychological intervention on negative emotions and quality of life of patients with acute coronary syndrome before and after interventional therapy

Clinical analysis of 228 cases of iron deficiency anemia

Efficacy of clopidogrel bisulfate combined with atorvastatin calcium in the treatment of elderly unstable angina pectoris

Influence of body mass index on prognosis of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Clinical five senses science

One case: impacted fourth molar with cyst

Clinical Internal Medicine

Diagnostic value of double balloon endoscopy in the etiology of unknown gastrointestinal bleeding

Observation on therapeutic effect of montmorillonite powder on gastroesophageal reflux disease

Clinical Observation on Danhong Injection as an Adjuvant Therapy for 65 Cases of Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease

Percutaneous laser disc decompression for lumbar disc herniation

Effect of Qishen Yiqi Dropping Pill Combined with Metoprolol on Ventricular Premature Contraction

Clinical analysis of 33 cases of delayed diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Effect of Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction on Peptic Ulcer

Address: No. 461, Bayi Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Zip code: 330006.