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 Journal of Community Medicine

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Journal of Community Medicine Ministerial journals

Journal of Community Medicine

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • Semimonthly Publication cycle
  • 10-1026/R CN
  • 1672-4208 ISSN
Competent unit: National Health Commission
Sponsor: Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
Published in 2003
Format: A4
Published at: Shandong
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: 1-3 months
Impact factor: 0.61
Cited times: 432
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) CA Chemical Abstracts (U.S.) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to community medical journals

After being approved by the Ministry of Health and reported to the General Administration of Press and Publication for approval, since 2011, the Journal of Community Medicine has been upgraded to the director of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, sponsored by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Shandong Rural Health Association. The Journal of Community Medicine, founded in 2003, is a comprehensive medical academic journal. It is a semimonthly journal with a large format of 16 folios and 88 pages. Its publication number is ISSN1672-4208, CN37-1405/R, and its mailing code is 24-211. In order to be based at home, face the grassroots and the community, actively publicize the guidelines and policies of the Party and the government in community health, study and discuss new situations and problems in community medicine, timely introduce the progress of community medicine abroad, summarize and promote new technologies, new theories and new methods in community medicine, Promote the comprehensive development of community medical work and the continuous improvement of professional quality.

Column setting of community medical journals

In the first half of this month, the magazine focuses on rural grassroots, and its main columns include: health policy and management, summary lectures, medication guidance, clinical experience, traditional Chinese medicine, prevention and health care, health education, and approaching rural doctors.

Honorary information of community medical journal

Subscription mode of community medical journals

Address: No. 440, Jiyan Road, Jinan, Shandong 250117.

Notice for contributions to community medical journals

1. General requirements for contributions The submission requires clear subject, clear hierarchy, prominent focus, strict logic, concise writing and smooth expression. The contributions should be scientific, logical, practical, with clear arguments, clear hierarchy, persuasive, and accurate data. If necessary, the data should be statistically processed. Generally, the length of treatises, summaries and lectures should not exceed 3000 words. Generally, 1500~2500 words are preferred for articles, and 1000 words for individual cases. The incoming manuscript shall be written in regular script on one side with checkered paper. You are welcome to use computer to print the manuscript, and do not submit copies. For any manuscript involving the work of the unit, please attach a letter of recommendation from the unit, indicating the unit's review comments on the manuscript and matters such as no multiple submissions of one manuscript, no confidentiality, no signature disputes, etc. All contributions shall be at your own responsibility.

2 The Chinese title of the article should not exceed 20 Chinese characters in general. It should reflect the final specific content of the article with concise and accurate words. It should comply with the relevant principles of compiling the title, indexing and retrieval, and help to select keywords; If necessary, add sub topics; Avoid using abbreviations, acronyms, characters, codes or formulas that are unfamiliar to adjacent majors.

All manuscripts should have English titles, generally no more than 10 to 12 notional words, and should have the same meaning as the Chinese title.

If the contribution is funded by the Foundation or a scientific research project at or above the provincial or ministerial level, please state the official name of the fund project or project at the foot of the first line at the bottom of page 1, and indicate the fund project number in the parentheses (this journal will give priority to publishing such contributions through the "green channel").

3 The names of the author and the author of the organization should be arranged in order below the title of the article, and it is generally appropriate to have no more than 10 authors in an article. The author's unit is enclosed in parentheses. The book is written after the author's name. The content includes: the full name of the unit, the name of the province and city where the unit is located, and the postal code. The unit name and the name of the province and city are separated by a comma ",", such as (Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, Shandong). When more than one author belongs to different units. Arabic numerals can be used as corner notes in the upper right corner of each author, and the unit names are arranged according to the number of corner notes.

The first author should also have a brief introduction of the author, including name, gender, birth year, nationality, native place, degree, professional title/position, resume, research direction or business in charge. Please indicate the contact number or e-mail address of the first author.

4 Abstracts and key words The treatise must be attached with Chinese and English abstracts, which must include four parts: purpose, method, results (main data should be given), and conclusion. Write in the third person without subjects such as "text". Considering that Chinese readers can refer to the original works in Chinese, in order to save space, the Chinese abstract can be simplified (about 200 words), while the English abstract is relatively specific (about 400 content words). The English abstract should also include the title, author, name (Chinese phonetic alphabet, each letter of the surname should be capitalized, the first letter of the first name should be capitalized, and a hyphen should be added between the two word names), name of the company, name of the city, postal code, and name of the country. For example: LINXian yan, WUJian ping, QINJing, ZHUGEHua. FirstHospital Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100034, China. (ZhuGeHua should be written as ZHUGEHua)

Key words The monograph should be indexed with 2-5 key words. Please try to use the words listed in the latest version of Index Medicine (MeSH) edited by the National Library of Medicine. If there is no corresponding word in the latest version of MeSH, the processing methods are as follows: (1) Several directly related subject words can be selected for matching. (2) The most direct epistatic subject words can be selected according to the tree structure table. (3) If necessary, free words can be used and arranged last. Abbreviations in keywords should be reduced to full name according to MeSH, for example, "HBsAg" should be labeled as "hepatitis B surface antigen". The first word of each English keyword is capitalized, and each word is separated by a semicolon.

5 Article identification code Each article in this journal is marked with one of the following five article identification codes. Please indicate the identification code when you submit your manuscript. The writing position is under the Chinese abstract and keywords. Books without Chinese abstract and keywords are under the name of the author and the unit.

A -- Academic papers on theoretical and applied research (including overview report)

B - Practical technical achievement report (science and technology), theoretical learning and social practice summary (social science)

C -- Articles on business guidance and technology management (including leader's speech, invited comments, etc.)

D - General dynamic information (communication, report, conference activities, exclusive interview, etc.)

E -- Documents and data (including historical data, statistical data, institutions, people, books and periodicals, knowledge introduction, etc.)

6 The Chinese Library Classification Number is classified according to the 4th Edition of the Chinese Library Classification. Generally, one classification number is marked. Articles with multiple topics can be marked with two or three classification numbers. The main classification number is in the first place. Multiple classification numbers are separated by a semicolon ";". The article classification number is determined by the editorial department

7 Serial number of body title Serial number of body title shall be used level by level as follows: 1, 2, 3; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3......, generally not more than level 3 titles. Ordinal numbers appearing in the natural paragraph shall always use ①, ②, ③.

8 Article number In order to facilitate the retrieval, query, full text information acquisition, remote transmission and copyright management of journal articles, any article with a document identification code can be marked with a digital article number, which is the only identification of the article in the world The first page code and the number of pages of the article are composed of 5 paragraphs with 20 digits in total. The article number is given by the editorial department.

9. The charts in the chart text should be as few and as precise as possible. They should be coded consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the text. If there is only one figure (table), the figure title (table title) should use Figure 1 (table 1) instead of the attached figure (table). If it can be expressed in words, try not to use tables; Three line table is adopted for the table, and all the items in the table are in Chinese except for the symbol of measurement unit.

10 The use of numerals shall be subject to the Regulations on the Use of Digits in Publications (GB/T15835-1995) issued by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision. Except for stereotyped words, idiomatic words or figures as morphemes (such as triplets, diploids, and Fe2O3), Arabic numerals shall be used in other laws. The starting and ending signs of two quantities are "~". Words or symbols representing the range of values cannot be omitted. For example, 50000~100000 cannot be written as 50000~100000, and 3cm × 2cm cannot be written as 3 × 2cm; White blood cell count 4.0 × 10? 9/L~8.0×10? 9/L, can be written as (4.0~8.0) × 10? 9/L。 All kinds of grouping should be reasonable, such as age grouping: several cases of 1-5 years old, and several cases of 6-10 years old, which cannot be written as 1-5 and 5-10 years old.

11 The legal unit shall be used for the unit and the unit of measurement, and the unit name or unit symbol shall not be mixed in Chinese and foreign languages, such as mg/day; The slash in the combined unit symbol cannot be more than one, for example, mg · kg- 1?· D? - 1 indicates.

12 Statistical symbols

13 References The references must be limited to the literature that the author has personally read in the past 10 years. According to the order of appearance in the text, they should be marked on the upper right corner of the citation with serial numbers and arranged at the end of the text in order. Internal publications should not be quoted.

Examples of document writing formats are as follows:

Monographs, anthologies, dissertations, reports

[Serial number] Author. Book name. Volume number. Edition (the first edition can be omitted). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication, beginning to end pages

[1] Qian Li. Diagnostic thinking and treatment procedure of surgical diseases [M]. 2nd edition. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Science and Technology Press, 2000, 1~7

[2] Zhu Liaorong, Dai Zhicheng, Mao Lei. Fundamentals of Management: Revision [M]. Changchun: Jilin People's Publishing House, 1994. Journal Articles

[Serial number] Author (the first to third authors shall be listed, and the fourth author shall be indicated by "etc."). Title, title, year, volume (issue): from the beginning to the end

[3] Xu Jincheng, Yang Yingming, Zheng Fengren, et al. Analysis of 13 cases of infantile cerebrovascular malformation rupture and hemorrhage. Clinical Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment, 1999, 12 (6): 444 ~ 445

[4] Zhu Zengbo, Bian Ailing. Medical quality control of community health service institutions. Journal of Community Medicine, 2003, 1 (1): 9-10

Newspaper article [serial number] Main. Document title [N]. Newspaper name, publication date (edition)

[5] Jiang Zemin. Speech at the National Health Work Conference. People's Daily, February 10, 1997 (1)

The separated literature [serial number] in the paper collection is the main responsible person of the separated literature. The separated literature title [A]. The main responsible person of the original literature (optional). The original title [C]. Place of publication: publisher. Year of publication. Start and end page numbers of the separated literature

[6] Zhong Wenfa. Application of Nonlinear Programming in Combustible Poison Configuration [A] Zhao Wei. Theory and Application of Operational Research - Proceedings of the Chinese Association for Operational Research Conference CC] Xi'an: Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, 1996.468-471

International and national standards [serial number] Standard number, standard name [S]

[7] GB/T16159-1996, Basic Rules of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet [S] Patent [Serial number] Patent owner. Patent title [P]. Patent country: patent number, publication date

[8] Yan Xizhou- Preparation scheme of seed warm external dressing [P]. Chinese patent: 8810560731980-07-26

Main responsible person of electronic document [serial number]. Title of electronic document [electronic document and carrier type identification]. Source or accessible address of electronic document, date of publication or update/date of citation (optional)

[9] Wang Mingliang. On the progress of the standardized database system engineering of Chinese academic journals. The main responsible person of various undefined types of documents [serial number]. Document title [Z]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication

Examples of community medical journals

The harm and prevention of hyperlipidemia

Hemorheological changes and therapeutic effect of salvia miltiorrhiza on chronic pulmonary heart disease

The relationship between calcification and pathological types of peripheral lung cancer

Evaluation of ultrashort wave therapy for acute mastitis

Effect of practical learning mode on insulin injection compliance

Clinical study of respiratory ladder management

Implement performance management to improve the service awareness of all medical insurance staff

Current situation and countermeasures of hospital personnel file management

Problems in standardized management of hypertension in community

Exploration on detailed management of hypertension in community

New measures for copying medical records

Allergic reaction of traditional Chinese medicine injection

Types and prevention of uterine fibroids

Etiology, prevention and treatment of organophosphorus poisoning intermediate syndrome

Analysis of medical compliance of common chronic diseases in rural patients

Clinical Observation on 570 Cases of Cervical Erosion Treated with Xiaomi Vaginal Effervescent Tablets

Effect of metformin on 60 cases of impaired glucose tolerance

Data information of community medical journals

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of community medical journals

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
Shanghai Pudong New Area Health System Medical Leading Talent Training Fund (PWRd2008-3) four
Science and Technology Research Program of Henan Province (122102310134) three
Key Construction Discipline of Hunan Province during the 12th Five Year Plan (201176) three
Higher Education Science Research Project of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education (L2010555) three
Social Science Planning and Research Project of Shandong Province (11CSHZ04) three
Shantou Science and Technology Plan Project (201146) three
World Diabetes Fund (WDF07-308) three
Scientific Research Project Funded by Sichuan Provincial Department of Education (SJWF1318) two
National Science and Technology Major Project (2010ZX09102) two
National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BA126B00) two

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
National Natural Science Foundation of China seventy-four
Medical Science and Technology Research Program of Henan Province thirty-four
Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province thirty-two
Shandong Medical and Health Science and Technology Development Plan Project twenty-seven
Science and Technology Research Plan of Henan Province twenty-five
Nanyang Science and Technology Research Program twenty-two
Tai'an Science and Technology Development Plan Project eighteen
Philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education fifteen
Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Development Plan Project fifteen
Shenzhen Bao'an District Science and Technology Plan Project fourteen
Address: No. 440, Jiyan Road, Jinan, Shandong 250117.