Civil Service Periodical Network Thesis Center Model essay on geography teaching in senior high school

High School Geography Teaching Full Text (5)

Preface: I have sorted out 5 high school geography teaching reference model articles for you to refer to. I hope it can help you get inspiration in writing and make your articles more rich and profound.

 Geography teaching in high school

Chapter 1: High School Geography Teaching Model

key word: high school Geography; Classroom teaching; Difficulties breakthrough

high school Geography teaching It is a difficult point in the teaching of liberal arts in senior high school, and the difficult point in geography teaching is an important factor affecting the teaching of geography in senior high school. This paper, starting from teaching practice, discusses the finding of difficult points in geography teaching in senior high school and teaching breakthrough, hoping that through our explanation, students can master all the contents of geography teaching in senior high school, Realize the teaching goal of more comprehensive and systematic mastery of senior high school geography knowledge, and also improve students' ability to solve problems through breakthroughs in key and difficult points. In teaching practice, we summarized the following key and difficult breakthrough methods:

1、 Dredge one's mind

Teachers of any subject need to go from easy to difficult, step by step. In senior high school geography teaching, teachers should peel the skin layer by layer, step by step, and guide students' thinking with strict logic. In learning, clear thinking can achieve easy learning, avoid confusion and scattered knowledge, which is conducive to students' further learning and improvement of learning ability. Teaching case 1: "The influence of pressure zone and wind zone on climate" and the determination of climate type are one of the difficulties in geography teaching in high school. This content is arranged in the content of Geography (compulsory course 1) in high school. The determination of climate type is an important basis for other related geography teaching knowledge, one of the key points in geography teaching, and one of the difficulties for students to learn, In all kinds of examinations, there are endless questions about climate types. When students encounter such questions, they often do not know how to start, and it is difficult to accurately understand and make judgments. In this type of questions, the most common indicators are temperature, precipitation and other indicators to judge climate types. In teaching, teachers should recognize the northern and southern hemispheres and heat zones according to the temperature changes through the climate precipitation column and temperature curve according to the students' actual conditions, and use the precipitation provided by the topic to judge the specific climate type. In teaching, we summarized the methods of judging the northern and southern hemispheres by the month of temperature change, determining the heat zone by the temperature change, and determining the climate type by the precipitation, In this way, students' thinking is clearer, and it is easy to learn and master in teaching, which is helpful for students to learn this part of the content.

2、 Break up into parts

In the face of more difficult problems, teachers can cut and divide difficult problems into small ones. Students can start from small ones, understand some of the small problems, and then gradually solve all the small problems one by one. The small ones will grow into big ones, and finally solve the big problems and knowledge points. In this way, the teaching difficulties will be easily solved, and the learning process will be smooth and natural, In geography teaching, the method of "breaking up the whole into parts" can be used to read maps, understand small geographical concepts, understand large geographical laws and master geographical principles. Teaching case 2: In the section "Air movement caused by uneven heat and cold" arranged in the compulsory course 1 of the People's Education Press of Geography in high school, the principle of wind formation is one of the teaching difficulties. In order to help students understand the principle of wind formation through understanding the various forces of horizontal atmospheric flow, we can try to set such questions as: what is the direct cause of wind formation, what is the pressure gradient, is the pressure gradient the same as the horizontal pressure gradient, and what is the difference? Judgment of wind direction. What force does the wind have, and whether all winds are affected by these forces. These three problems go from simple to deep, and gradually let the school understand the principle of wind formation from different levels. When the above three problems are solved, students will have a clear understanding and understanding of the principle of wind formation

3、 Bridge paving

In the actual teaching process of geography teaching, some knowledge is difficult to learn or students feel some knowledge gaps. For such problems, teachers can do some bedding work when explaining, reduce the "slope" of students' understanding, and help students understand the difficulties. Teaching case 3: one of the teaching difficulties of "summing up the distribution law of world ocean currents and understanding the distribution pattern of ocean currents" in the geography textbook teaching of senior high school is arranged in the compulsory section "Large scale sea water movement" of Geography published by the People's Education Press. With regard to these contents, teachers can help students carry out some inquiry activities in teaching, reduce the difficulty of teaching, reduce the "slope" of cognition, improve students' cognitive ability, and help students effectively understand the content of this section. Probe 1: Let students draw a "current distribution pattern map" by themselves, and observe carefully to mark the distribution of ocean currents in the northern and southern hemispheres. You can use digital signs to make students have a clear impression of the distribution of ocean currents through drawing and marking. Inquiry 2: Organize students to have class discussions, study and summarize the laws of ocean currents in various sea areas, and let students summarize and summarize what they have learned. Inquiry 4: Let students mark the cold current and warm current on their own drawings, understand the laws of ocean currents, and finally compare their own drawings with the textbook drawings and supplement their own drawings, so that students can remember and understand the distribution and movement of ocean currents more clearly. Students' active participation in these classroom research activities organized by teachers can help students to actively understand geographical knowledge, understand the laws of ocean currents, cultivate students' good learning habits, and improve their learning ability. Teachers should actively guide students in teaching, do more for their learning to improve their learning autonomy and interest, Activities to improve students' enthusiasm for learning, so as to realize students' love for learning and efficient learning.

4、 Intuitive teaching

There are many geographical maps or maps in the geography teaching of senior high school. It is one of the common methods in geography teaching to make good use of these maps so that students can intuitively understand and recognize the content of geography teaching. In teaching, teachers should also make use of Internet materials to show more schematic maps to students, such as the intersection of yellow and red, direct sunlight The changes of the four seasons, the alternation of the moon, the distribution of ocean currents, the relationship between the earth and the moon, etc. can be realized by using visual graphics. However, in this process, there is also a need to pay attention to that teachers should not patiently teach students how to read pictures. On the basis of teaching students how to read pictures, teachers should consciously teach students in teaching, Let students know some teaching wall charts or multimedia teaching models, etc., so that students can learn geography knowledge and master teaching difficulties in an intuitive teaching mode.

5、 Contact life

Chapter 2: High School Geography Teaching Model

Abstract: The concept of the new college entrance examination is the baton for teachers to design and implement geography teaching, so teachers have to examine, evaluate and improve geography teaching based on the concept of the new college entrance examination. Teachers should not only take the new college entrance examination concept as the guiding ideology to find the practical problems in geography teaching, but also scientifically solve the practical problems in geography teaching based on the new college entrance examination concept. Therefore, teachers strive to improve the life, expansion, innovation and effectiveness of geography teaching, and take this as a response strategy to solve the problems of geography teaching, to create a scientific education environment.

Key words: new college entrance examination; Geography teaching; Problems; Coping strategies; senior high school student

The proposal of the new college entrance examination concept has greatly strengthened teachers' sense of responsibility, quality awareness and benefit demands. Therefore, many teachers have actively implemented the new curriculum reform based on the new college entrance examination concept, and strive to optimize the knowledge learning, ability training and quality development of high school students with the help of high-quality geographical teaching environment. Therefore, teachers should deeply consider the requirements of the new college entrance examination for geography teaching, base on the actual problems, and explore scientific and efficient coping strategies with the new college entrance examination concept as the guiding ideology, so as to improve the design, strategy and quality of geography teaching.

1、 Requirements of New College Entrance Examination on Geography Teaching

First, the new college entrance examination requires geography teaching to focus on cultivating senior high school students' cognitive interest and exploration awareness, so as to stimulate their life vitality and dynamic role, guide senior high school students to actively participate in teaching activities, and become cognitive masters in eye observation, brain thinking, and mouth communication [1]. Therefore, the new college entrance examination requires teachers to implement interesting teaching and attract senior high school students to the interesting exploration of geography classroom with the help of interesting elements. Second, the new college entrance examination requires geography teaching to focus on cultivating the thinking mode and cognitive habits of senior high school students, help them develop good cognitive ability, thinking ability and learning habits, and promote senior high school students to become real actors in geography class [2]. Therefore, teachers should actively cultivate high school students' subjective ability and cognitive habits in geography classes, and effectively promote the formation and development of high school students' subjective ability, cognitive habits, and core literacy. Third, the new college entrance examination requires that geography teaching should focus on cultivating high school students' sense of cooperation and communication motivation, promote high school students' mutual growth in active participation, friendly cooperation, and intimate communication, and promote high school students' subjective development with the help of collective wisdom and happy cooperation [3]. Therefore, teachers should organize senior high school students' cooperative inquiry and collective discussion in geography teaching, and guide senior high school students to communicate happily and develop in an all-round way when they express their opinions and speak freely.

2、 The Practical Problems Faced by Geography Teaching in Senior High School at Present

Teachers should base on the new concept of college entrance examination, scientifically examine the actual problems faced by geography teaching, and deeply summarize the direct causes of the problems, so as to comprehensively grasp the development of geography teaching.

(1) The life of geography teaching is seriously insufficient

In geography teaching, teachers still have obvious preaching traces in the process of knowledge inquiry and ability training. Classroom communication mainly exists in theoretical deduction, and geographical knowledge is not introduced into real life for practical verification. Therefore, when senior high school students are exposed to the problem of living in the college entrance examination questions, they are difficult to extract the implied geographical knowledge based on life materials, and cannot apply what they have learned. Senior high school students are still in the stage of talking on paper. It can be seen that the life style of geography teaching is seriously insufficient, and the main practical activities are obviously lagging behind.

(2) The expansion of geography teaching is seriously insufficient

In geography teaching, teachers' scientific expansion of geographical knowledge is insufficient, and teaching activities are mainly limited to teaching according to the book, which limits high school students' divergent thinking and expansion awareness, and is not conducive to the scientific cultivation of high school students' thinking quality and innovative spirit. Teachers are the guides for senior high school students to learn knowledge, so it is difficult for teachers to follow the rules in the process of geography teaching to enlighten senior high school students in good thinking, and senior high school students are also difficult to start thinking differently, expanding awareness and innovative spirit when facing ability assessment.

(3) The innovation of geography teaching is seriously insufficient

In geography teaching, teachers' innovative spirit is not outstanding enough. They neither provide scientific, advanced, intuitive and efficient audio-visual teaching equipment for high school students, nor create an open, free, happy and cooperative subjective cognitive environment, resulting in a dull, backward, boring and inefficient geography teaching process. It can be seen that geography teaching has not given high school students enough sensory stimulation and emotional infection, and it is difficult to radiate strong subjective initiative and life development potential, so high school students are difficult to enter a good cognitive state of brain excitement, emotional excitement and psychological pleasure.

(4) The effectiveness of geography teaching is seriously insufficient

In geography teaching, teachers did not make full use of scientific and advanced teaching equipment, did not create an open and free atmosphere, and did not stimulate the life vitality and dynamic role of high school students. Therefore, the cognitive vitality and life rhythm of high school students are difficult to enter a high position. It can be seen that the geography teaching created by teachers lacks enough humanization, interest, advancement and subjectivity, as well as effective stimulation of high school students' cognitive interest and inquiry motivation, which shows the decline of teaching effectiveness and unsatisfactory teaching quality.

3、 Strategies of Dealing with the Problems of Geography Teaching under the New College Entrance Examination

Teachers should not only comprehensively summarize the problems faced by geography teaching based on the new college entrance examination, but also actively practice the scientific concept of education, so as to find effective strategies to solve the problems of geography teaching scientifically [4].

(1) Improve the life of geography teaching

Teachers should improve the life of geography teaching based on the new college entrance examination, closely link the teaching content with real life, and provide high school students with "second exploration opportunities" with the help of life practice, so as to realize the deep learning of high school students. Therefore, "learning to apply" in life situations can help high school students better understand the teaching content, effectively strengthen the depth, breadth and breadth of understanding of teaching content, and improve cognitive quality. For example, in the teaching of "Water Cycle in Nature" in Chapter 3, Section 1 of Senior High School Geography Compulsory Course 1 of PEP, teachers should base on real life and let high school students observe that the water on the ground is transformed into water vapor under the sunlight, and converges with other water vapor to form clouds. Clouds, affected by the temperature drop in the process of rising, condense into small raindrops, which fall on plants Land and mountains nourish everything. In this way, senior high school students can imagine the real version of the "water cycle" based on the life situation, and perceive the changes of water in the "water cycle", such as liquid, gas, solid, etc., so they can build a colorful "dynamic change map of water cycle" in their minds, to achieve reasonable imagination and efficient learning.

(2) Improving the Expandability of Geography Teaching

Teachers should improve the expansion of geography teaching based on the new college entrance examination, not only to achieve the effective expansion of geographical knowledge from the theoretical level to the practical level, but also to achieve the cross regional expansion of geographical knowledge, so as to enhance the cognitive effect of high school students. Therefore, teachers should use teaching wisdom to enlighten high school students' expanding thinking, guide them to use geographical knowledge to analyze problems, solve problems, accelerate accumulation, and realize the development of high school students' subjective ability. For example, in the teaching of "uneven heat and cold cause atmospheric movement" in the first section of the second chapter of compulsory geography 1 of high school of PEP, teachers should lead high school students to use physical knowledge to explore the secrets implied in "uneven heat and cold cause atmospheric movement". In order to help high school students better understand this part of knowledge, teachers can use multimedia equipment to show the change process of "uneven heat and cold cause atmospheric movement". High school students can see with their own eyes that the heat in the sunlight heats the air in a certain area too much, which makes the air in this area expand in volume, reduce in density, and then rise, which reduces the air pressure in this area, and then causes the air in other areas to flow to this area, forming a wind. Therefore, the image display of teachers can help high school students to carry out simple cognition and exploration, use physical knowledge to explain geographical phenomena, and help high school students master geographical knowledge.

(3) Promoting the Innovation of Geography Teaching

Teachers should base on the new college entrance examination to improve the innovation and advancement of geography teaching, especially to use audio-visual teaching, use multimedia equipment to visually display geography knowledge, reduce the difficulty of understanding geography knowledge, effectively improve the interest, image and simplicity of high school students' cognition, and help high school students learn knowledge efficiently. Therefore, teachers should improve the innovation of geography teaching, provide strong scientific and technological support for high school students, and achieve efficient cognition. For example, in the teaching of "the layout of transportation modes" in the first section of Chapter 5 of geography compulsory course 2 of senior high school of People's Education Press, China has railway transportation, highway transportation, air transportation, waterway transportation and other transportation modes, and the rich and colorful transportation modes are naturally inseparable from China's diverse topography. Therefore, teachers can use multimedia equipment to show high school students the transportation modes under different environmental conditions, and help high school students understand the transportation modes in the region based on specific environmental science. In this way, senior high school students will get intuitive, specific and real environmental information and sensory stimulation with the help of multimedia equipment, and naturally can better understand the reasons for choosing transportation modes in the region.

(4) Improve the effectiveness of geography teaching

Teachers should improve the effectiveness of geography teaching based on the new college entrance examination. They should not only provide high school students with interesting incentives, but also provide high school students with scientific and technological teaching equipment. They should also promote high school students' independent learning and cooperative inquiry, and achieve high school students' efficient learning with the help of collective wisdom. Therefore, teachers should implement the student-centered concept and humanistic thinking, strive to develop the vitality and dynamic role of high school students, and help improve the quality and efficiency of geography teaching. For example, in the teaching of "agricultural location selection" in the first section of Chapter 3 of geography compulsory course 2 of senior high school of People's Education Press, teachers should help senior high school students realize that agricultural production does not exist out of thin air, but is affected by surrounding soil conditions and consumption demand. For example, the land around the city will inevitably tend to the "vegetable basket project" to give play to the geographical advantages of being close to the city, convenient for transportation and fast delivery, and the consumption preference of urban people for fruits and vegetables will directly determine the specific planting content of the "vegetable basket project" and the specific activity direction of agricultural production. Therefore, based on the relationship between agricultural production and public life, high school students scientifically consider the "agricultural location choice", which helps to cultivate the ability of thinking, analysis, reasoning and judgment, and improve the effectiveness of geography teaching. To sum up, the concept of the new college entrance examination is the guiding ideology and activity standard for teachers to prepare for geography teaching, plan teaching process, design teaching activities, and conduct teaching evaluation. It is also the guiding light for teachers to conduct geography teaching. Therefore, teachers should base on the new concept of college entrance examination, deeply consider the practical problems and coping strategies faced by geography teaching, and put them into practice by improving the life, expansion, innovation and effectiveness of geography teaching, and strive to promote the quality and efficiency of geography teaching, strategic expansion, scientific innovation, and help high school students to have a happy cognition, friendly cooperation, bold exploration Close communication and mutual growth.

Author: Gao Tengyu Unit: Jinghe New Town No.1 Middle School, Xixian New District, Xi'an, Shaanxi

Discussion on Geography Teaching Methods in Senior High School 2

The traditional geography teaching in high school attaches too much importance to the teaching of textbook knowledge, so many geography teachers mainly circle key and difficult knowledge to let students remember and recite. This has led to some high school students' lack of interest in geography learning, learning efficiency and academic performance are not ideal, which deviates from the original intention of high school geography teaching. Therefore, high school geography teachers should change their teaching methods, integrate the cultivation of high school geography core literacy with teaching, and formulate teaching strategies in combination with the actual teaching situation to achieve the teaching purpose of cultivating students' core literacy and promoting students' all-round development.

1、 Using information technology to cultivate students' awareness of environmental protection

Essentially, cultivating students' awareness of environmental protection is to make students more clearly understand the relationship between man and nature, so that they can have awe of nature and establish the concept of sustainable development. In order to enable students to better understand the relationship between man and nature and cultivate their awareness of environmental protection, the author can collect some pictures and videos related to the teaching content in senior high school geography teaching, which will bring greater spiritual impact and shock to students and strengthen their understanding of man and nature. For example, in the second chapter of Regional Ecological Environment Construction of Geography Compulsory Course 3 of Teaching People's Education Press, in order to make students understand the serious threat of desertification and the serious situation of desertification in China, the author collected relevant pictures and videos of desertification in northwest China and presented them to students. In this way, students have an intuitive understanding of land desertification in China, understand the serious consequences of land desertification, and have a deeper understanding of the relationship between man and nature. In this way, the goal of cultivating students' core literacy in geography teaching in high school has also been achieved, which is conducive to students' future learning and growth.

2、 Making Rational Use of Maps and Cultivating Students' Ability to Read Maps

Cultivating students' ability to read maps is also one of the main teaching objectives of high school geography teaching, which is of great significance to students' geography learning. Improving students' ability to read maps can not only improve students' geographical learning efficiency, but also cultivate students' sense of social responsibility. When teaching geography in high school, the author will use maps or charts to cultivate students' ability to read maps. For example, when the first chapter of the second volume of geography compulsory course "Population" of the Teaching People's Education Press, the author used information technology to show the changes in the population of various countries on the big screen, and let students analyze according to the chart information and their knowledge, thus improving the students' ability to read maps and achieving the goal of cultivating students' core literacy.

3、 Develop group cooperation and cultivate students' comprehensive thinking

Comprehensive thinking is to let people look at things comprehensively and objectively and dialectically. High school geography teachers can develop students' comprehensive thinking through group cooperation to achieve the best teaching results. The author often asks students to discuss and exchange in groups in geography teaching in high school. In order to effectively carry out group cooperative learning and enable students to discuss and communicate effectively, the author will put forward a topic according to the teaching content in each class, so that students can discuss from different perspectives. For example, when teaching Population, I would ask students to divide into two groups for debate: is population growth a bad thing or a good thing? After debate, students can look at this problem more comprehensively, which is very helpful for cultivating comprehensive thinking. In a word, geography teachers in high schools should keep pace with the times, take cultivating students' core literacy as the main teaching task, adopt reasonable teaching strategies, and promote the smooth progress of geography teaching in high schools.

Author: Ma Qingji Unit: Lianlv School, Yongdeng County, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province

Discussion on Geography Teaching Methods in Senior High School 3

With the development of the new curriculum reform, the concept of the new curriculum reform is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and more and more attention is paid to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality. The application of the new teaching design under the flipped classroom will help to improve the traditional "spoon feeding" and "indoctrination" teaching methods, effectively change the passive position of students in traditional teaching, give full play to students' initiative and enthusiasm, and achieve good teaching results. Flipped classroom makes full use of the humanistic "people-oriented" teaching concept, pays attention to the subjectivity of students in the teaching process, pays attention to the overall development of students, and promotes the improvement of students' comprehensive ability. Geography teaching in high school conforms to the process of curriculum reform. The flipped classroom teaching method in teaching design can give full play to the advantages of classroom teaching, help students connect with the reality of life while learning the theoretical knowledge of the curriculum, and expand their thinking.

1、 Overview of Flipped Classroom Teaching

Flipped classroom is a development and innovation based on traditional teaching methods. It is different from the traditional teaching model in which teachers independently complete classroom teaching and students internalize classroom knowledge after class. It focuses on the way of classroom teaching and the way students receive knowledge. At the same time, it pays more attention to the development of students' comprehensive quality, improves the teaching environment, and makes full use of micro classes and other teaching resources and technologies, Let students internalize knowledge under the guidance of teachers, actively promote students to communicate well on an effective platform, better understand and accept knowledge, improve teaching quality, and ensure teaching results.

2、 Flipped Classroom Design for Geography Teaching in Senior High School

At present, the flipped classroom teaching method is warmly welcomed by teachers and students, and is widely used in classroom teaching. In order to improve the quality of geography teaching in high school and ensure the teaching effect, it is also necessary to fully combine knowledge with the teaching form of flipped classroom, fully respect the dominant position of students, pay attention to the stages and personality of students' physical and mental development, stimulate and promote students' interest in learning, and enhance students' initiative in learning.

(1) Develop scientific teaching plan

Making a scientific teaching plan is the basis of the flipped geography classroom in high school. Before classroom teaching, teachers should make full preparations for teaching according to the classroom teaching content, the basic situation of students, and the discipline characteristics. Teachers need to grasp the teaching progress as a whole, make good arrangements for teaching tasks, prepare a variety of teaching forms for students, enrich the classroom content, and stimulate students' love and interest in the geography classroom. For example, in the link of self-study questioning and activity doubt explanation, teachers should clarify the meaning and role of different teaching forms, and do a good job in adequate and scientific teaching design. Self study questioning can be placed in front of the link of activity doubt explanation, and do a good job in linking up before and after. Before the class starts, teachers need to prepare and check the teaching design to ensure that the whole teaching design is scientific, reasonable and effective. For example, when designing and arranging the course of "cross regional allocation of resources", teachers first need to design teaching plans, clarify the meaning of this lesson in the whole geography of high school, clarify its value, and make relevant arrangements according to its meaning and role. Review the basic situation and teaching situation of students as a whole, and then carry out flipped classroom teaching in the way of group cooperation. For example, teachers can make preparations in advance and divide students into several groups. Different groups have different topics for discussion. Then the discussion and research will be carried out within the group. Finally, the content of the discussion will be reported, and then teachers will comment and explain. In this teaching design, teachers need to make active preparations in advance for how to group groups, the length of discussion, the theme of discussion, and the theme of report. Only by making full preparations can students be guided and explained. While ensuring the transmission of knowledge, students should pay attention to the improvement of other comprehensive abilities.

(2) Give full play to the advantages of micro class in the flipped geography class of high school

Giving full play to the role of micro lessons in the geography flipped classroom in high school is also an important teaching design scheme for the geography flipped classroom in high school. Micro class is a teaching method developed on the basis of the Internet in the new era. It can provide students with an intuitive impression by combining pictures, videos, words, audio, etc., so that students can feel the teaching content more intuitively and clearly, and improve the interest of the classroom. In the actual flipped classroom teaching, teachers should pay attention to the important role of micro lessons in the flipped classroom, give play to the teaching advantages of micro lessons, and make micro lessons become an important source of vitality of the flipped classroom. However, it should be noted that not all micro classes provide videos for students, but we also need to be alert to this misunderstanding. In micro class teaching, micro is the key point, and the form of micro is also more important. When making videos, we need to control the degree of micro to be more targeted and purposeful. According to relevant research, too long teaching time will make people feel tired, and people's attention is generally about 45 minutes. Therefore, when making micro videos, it is necessary to control the duration to 5~12 minutes, which helps to focus students' attention. At the same time, the form of micro courses also needs to be diversified and enriched, so as to infiltrate micro courses into the whole teaching process. For example, in the explanation of the lesson "Air movement caused by uneven heat and cold", teachers can make full use of micro classroom to carry out flipped classroom teaching. Before class, teachers give full play to the advantages of students, and let students do relevant understanding and preparation before class. At the same time, teachers also make relevant teaching videos according to the teaching content, students' interests and levels, play the videos to students, and put questions into the videos, so that students can not help but have questions when watching the videos, and learn with questions. Then, Teachers can allow students to carry out independent discussion or comprehensive inquiry, and find the answers to the questions themselves, which can effectively improve students' interest in learning. At the same time, teachers can also collect information on relevant websites, expand knowledge and expand students' knowledge. After class, teachers can also use micro classes to deepen and consolidate students' knowledge. Teachers can make micro videos for students to review after class, so that students can check and fill gaps or consolidate exercises. It can also be assessed through micro classes to help students master knowledge quickly. In addition, teachers can give full play to students' enthusiasm, so that students can use the time after class to collect data and research, learn more knowledge, and show it in the next class to give full play to students' initiative.

(3) Make full use of the electronic whiteboard to create an active and interactive atmosphere

With the development of science and technology, teaching equipment is constantly updated. Nowadays, the ways to understand information become diversified. When teaching, students can fully mobilize their senses of mouth, ears and nose, which can effectively improve the efficiency of learning. In the actual teaching process, teachers should make full use of electronic whiteboards and other teaching equipment to carry out various teaching activities and build flipped classrooms for students. In the teaching process, teachers can use electronic whiteboards to communicate effectively with students, mobilize students' enthusiasm and initiative, and activate the classroom atmosphere. For example, in the course of "the development of river landform", teachers can use electronic whiteboards to activate the classroom and realize flipped classroom teaching. Teachers can first let students preview before class, let students learn independently and have a certain understanding of the course content, then deduce the development process of river landforms for students in the form of animation, and then invite students to mark and understand knowledge points on the stage, so that students can explain and explain classroom knowledge, and other students can supplement, Enhance the interest of the course. At the same time, teachers can provide students with effective teaching conditions, so that students can make positive preparations after class, such as PPT production, and make and display in the form of groups. In class, the results of the group can be shared in the electronic whiteboard for other students to share, which can not only effectively give play to the students' initiative, but also effectively achieve flipped teaching in the classroom.

(4) Promote cooperation and communication among students and improve learning efficiency

In teaching, especially in flipped classroom teaching, students' ability of autonomous cooperation and communication is particularly important. In the flipped classroom, teachers summarize and sort out students' problems and interests, provide students with knowledge points to discuss, set the key points and difficulties of the classroom, and then use the group cooperation mode to allow group members to cooperate and explore independently. The number of members of the group should not be too large. Teachers should control the number of members of the group and let them study in a group way. Then the group members should analyze and discuss the problems to ensure that each member can express their own opinions and suggestions. Teachers should carefully observe and listen. If problems are found in the group discussion, teachers should timely allocate and guide, Let the group discuss smoothly. After class discussion, it is also necessary to let the group show their achievements, let the students in other groups express their opinions and suggestions, and have another discussion in the whole class to achieve flipped classroom. For example, in the class of "Development of Energy Resources", teachers can organize students to discuss the reasons, feasibility, development methods, etc. of energy resources development according to the teaching content, so as to provide sufficient discussion time for students to solve questions, explore specific plans and contents, and establish a correct knowledge framework.

(5) Expand the information channels in the classroom

The form of flipped classroom is not just student discussion and teacher guidance. Teachers need to constantly improve their teaching ability and provide students with more colorful teaching activities. Geography is a course closely related to life, and the teaching content is closely related to our life. Teachers should carefully observe life, observe the relationship between life and geographical knowledge in books, and let students go out of textbooks, out of classrooms, and into life. In the specific classroom teaching design, teachers should not completely rely on textbooks, but should carry out appropriate extension and expansion to enrich the teaching content. Teachers should guide students to pay attention to life, closely link the knowledge content of textbooks with life, let students discover the geographical knowledge in life, and then share it in class. Teachers should pay full attention to students' sharing, encourage students, respect students' dominant position, reserve enough time for students to discuss sharing.

3、 Conclusion

Chapter 3: High School Geography Teaching Model

Abstract: With the progress of Chinese society, China's educational reform is also deepening and advancing. Under the background of the new curriculum standard, China's geographic information technology is constantly updated and upgraded with the development. As an important part of geography teaching in high school, geographic information has been paid more and more attention in recent years. Secondly, this paper has conducted in-depth research and analysis on the application of geographic information technology in senior high school geography teaching, hoping that under the background of the new curriculum standards, the level of senior high school geography education in China can continue to improve.

Key words: geographic information technology; Senior high school geography; New Curriculum Teaching

The current situation of geography teaching in high school is that information technology has not yet achieved a good integration in high school. Nowadays, most colleges and universities teach geographic information technology, which is not the leading teaching method, but the use of digital transmission, and has not been applied to the greatest extent. Therefore, such technology is flawed. In the face of these problems, the following analyzes the application of geographic information technology in the new geography curriculum teaching in high school.

1、 Its application value

(1) It helps students better understand geographical laws

Information technology can be regarded as a law, such as the law of the earth's rotation and revolution, which are presented to students in a dynamic form. In addition, the use of advanced scientific and technological means can also show the characteristics of geographical phenomena and the changes in their internal laws. It contains three-dimensional knowledge such as space-time. It is convenient for students to form the habit of three-dimensional thinking to analyze geographical knowledge and improve their overall structure of geographical knowledge.

(2) Easily grasp the key and difficult points of geography

Compared with other disciplines, geography is not very specific. So it is not easy to understand. It requires students to have the ability of abstract thinking and give themselves wings of imagination. Only then can we understand geography well. This also determines the extent to which they absorb knowledge in class, provided that they completely rely on the knowledge in the textbooks taught by teachers. You can't fully digest what you have learned. The use of information technology can make up for this defect. It can show relevant knowledge points in the form of pictures and videos, closely follow the teaching steps, so that students can further grasp the key and difficult points of geographical knowledge, playing a good auxiliary role.

2、 Information technology application strategy

(1) Multimedia is closely related to traditional teaching aids

Practice has proved that the combination of observation and listening can enable students to obtain efficient knowledge acquisition rate, and its effect is more than ten times higher than that of simple listening. Therefore, the combination of "watching" and "listening" in teaching will also multiply the classroom efficiency. For high school students, when they learn geography knowledge, they should improve their listening process through various channels. And repeatedly put the brand of knowledge. Therefore, the geography classroom teaching in high school must be combined with a variety of stimulation methods, that is, audio-visual combination, and further use information technology to enable students to have a stronger "look" and "listen" effect. When learning about earthquake. For example, after the Wenchuan earthquake and before the earthquake, teachers can play relevant videos through multimedia, so that students can show the terrain content in combination with relevant textbook knowledge. Guide the knowledge of epicenter, epicenter distance and depth. In that way, the combination of multimedia and traditional teaching aids can further deepen students' understanding of earthquake related knowledge.

(2) Establish a comprehensive application platform of geography teaching information technology

The more effective way to realize information-based teaching in high school geography teaching is that each school can create its own comprehensive information application platform. Based on this system, through computer system and network information technology, computers and peripherals are connected, various teaching resources are integrated, and various resources are more reasonably integrated. Geographic information technology has achieved a good integration of existing resources and played a greater role on the Internet platform. To form a network of information knowledge system to provide more convenient conditions for teachers to prepare lessons and teach.

(3) Improve teachers' level of geographic information technology

With the new requirements of the new curriculum reform, the campus teaching in the new century has also put forward higher requirements for teachers. Therefore, teachers must also establish the concept of learning throughout, constantly update teaching methods according to their own cultural literacy, improve their own information technology level, so as to realize the seamless link of information technology, and present more colorful teaching situations to students in the classroom.

(3) Strengthen the construction of information experiment environment

With the deepening of teaching reform, the new curriculum standard of geographic information technology in high school has also been better combined. From the perspective of the actual teaching development at this stage, most high schools are gradually developing and building online classes, and some schools have basically completed the construction of online classes and put them into use. We should make the network classroom better serve the geography teaching in high school. First of all, the school can copy the relevant geographic information technology software to the school's computer for students to use in the future. At the same time, the school can also update the relevant software of geographic information technology and improve the system in the laboratory, so that they can master more geographical knowledge in the process of learning. For example, the teacher talked about the urban spatial structure. Using the environment of the geography laboratory, the teacher can use advanced equipment and multimedia to explain the urban layout, and let students better understand the urban spatial structure through intuitive feelings. At the same time, teachers should also guide students to think and analyze independently in the teaching process, so that they can focus on the research of urban layout. After analyzing a city or making a comparative analysis in another city, students will be more interested in it. In geographical research, students can also think independently, so that their geographical ability can be comprehensively improved.

3、 Conclusion

Through the above research and analysis, we can realize that geographic information technology has played a very important role in high school geography teaching. In the process of the development of geographic information technology, senior high school geography teaching has greatly improved the ability of senior high school students to learn the subject. Under the new background, senior high school geography teaching has received more recognition and attention. Therefore, we should constantly improve and develop the ability of students in senior high school geography teaching, comprehensively improve their education and teaching level, and in the future teaching process, Continuously strengthen the innovation of this teaching technology.


[1] Chen Xisheng. Analysis on the Application of Geographic Information Technology in the New Curriculum Standard Teaching of Geography in Senior High School [J]. Asia Pacific Education, 2015, 21 (36): 46

[2] Chen Shuyun. The Application of Geographic Information Technology in the Teaching of the New Curriculum Standard for Geography in Senior High School [J]. China Information Technology Education, 2014, 33 (14): 111-111

[3] Xu Youbin. The Application of Geographic Information Technology in the Teaching of High School Geography New Curriculum [J]. Curriculum Education Research (New Teacher Teaching), 2015, 15 (4): 242-242

[4] Jiang Shengliang. The Application of Geographic Information Technology in the Teaching of the New Curriculum Standard for Geography in Senior High School [J]. Urban Tutoring (the first half of the month), 2015, 27 (12): 37-37

Author: Huang Liangchao Unit: Xinjian No. 1 Middle School, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province

Part II: How to Cultivate Logical Thinking in Geography Teaching in Senior High School

Abstract: Geography is a compulsory course in senior high school, but teachers ignore the cultivation of students' geographical thinking in teaching. Based on the background of geography teaching in high school, this paper discusses the cultivation of students' logical thinking ability in teaching. This paper analyzes the reasons for cultivating the logical thinking ability of senior high school students. The requirements of the college entrance examination and the students' failure in answering questions all show that it is imperative to cultivate this ability. In this regard, two teaching strategies are proposed to improve the current situation of students.

Key words: high school; Geography teaching; logical thinking


In geography learning, many people believe that it is a memory discipline, as long as the relevant knowledge can be remembered. In traditional teaching, the same is true for teachers, who do not attach importance to the cultivation of students' logical thinking ability. However, with the progress of teaching reform and the change of educational philosophy, traditional teaching has become impractical. Moreover, the proportion of logical test questions in examinations is on the rise. Based on this situation, it is urgent to cultivate students' logical thinking ability, and teachers should pay attention to it.

1、 The Causes of Cultivating Senior High School Students' Logical Thinking Ability

(1) The proportion of logical questions in the college entrance examination has increased

The college entrance examination questions not only investigate basic knowledge, but also include logical reasoning questions. This question requires students to get answers based on basic knowledge and topic information, which requires a full grasp of basic knowledge and a certain ability of logical thinking. Moreover, the syllabus clearly points out that students should have the ability to solve unknown problems with the knowledge they have learned. Most of the questions in the college entrance examination are highly innovative. Only students with sufficient basic knowledge and logical thinking ability can answer the test paper well. Moreover, in recent years, the proportion of such questions in the test papers is on the rise, which shows that it is necessary for students to enhance their logical thinking ability. It is impractical to just memorize basic knowledge.

(2) Students lose scores seriously on general logical questions

Through the analysis of the score rate of the college entrance examination papers in recent years, it is found that students generally lose scores seriously on some topics with strong logical thinking, and generally get high scores on basic knowledge topics. This phenomenon is not caused by the difficulty of the questions, which just reflects the weak logical thinking ability of students. For example, when students answer some questions, they list the knowledge points involved in the questions one by one, but the knowledge points are isolated from each other, and the logic is not strong; Some students expressed the correct meaning when answering, but the expression was too complicated and complicated, and did not use the professional terms properly; Some are even vague about the simple geographical location, and only know the basic knowledge of memory. This series of questions directly or indirectly reflect the current situation of students' lack of geographical thinking and logical thinking ability.

2、 Strategies to strengthen the cultivation of students' logical thinking ability

(1) The current geography textbook involves a wide range of contents, most of which are summary knowledge points. The case materials in the textbook are concise and clear, and the practical activities are not feasible. The most important thing is that these contents lack a certain degree of logic, which is not conducive to the cultivation of students' logical thinking ability. In this regard, teachers should have a deep understanding of the content of the textbook, conduct an in-depth study of the content of the textbook, summarize a more logical teaching sequence, strengthen the logical connectivity between knowledge points, and do not need to completely rely on the arrangement order given by the textbook for teaching. When rearranging the knowledge points in the textbook, we should take full account of the actual situation of students and their overall understanding of geographical knowledge. At the same time, we should make appropriate changes in speech expression in teaching, organically link the content of the textbook through flexible language expression, strengthen the logic between the plates, and design a practical and logical teaching sequence and method, Cultivate students' ability in this aspect [1]. Teachers should adhere to the teaching materials rather than relying on them. Taking the influencing factors of transportation in mountainous areas as an example, students can learn this part of knowledge according to the order of textbook arrangement, but there is a lack of logic. The textbook directly introduces the influencing factors in this part: complex mountainous terrain, high traffic construction cost, difficult construction, strong generalization, but lack of logic, so it can be properly adjusted, for example, First, it introduces the impact of terrain and topography, and then directly compares it with areas with developed transportation in the form of pictures. Finally, it introduces the impact of the application of modern science and technology on the traffic in mountainous areas, which is more logical in teaching.

(2) Optimize traditional teaching methods and highlight students

During the teaching period, students should strengthen their understanding of geographical concepts and form such a conceptual system in their minds, which can lay a solid foundation for their subsequent learning of geographical knowledge. By strengthening their understanding of geographical concepts, students can cultivate their correct geographical thinking and make it easier for them to understand geographical knowledge. In addition, abstract knowledge is the difficulty of geography learning, but it is also the key point. The difficulty lies in its need for rich imagination and abstract thinking, which is an ability that most students do not have. Teachers should be aware of this in the teaching process. When teaching this aspect of content, try to combine reality, search for rich materials when preparing lessons, and present them to students intuitively, Let the students observe and feel intuitively, and the teacher will turn into a guide, who will give timely advice, moderate guidance, and explain when necessary. Give students time and opportunity to think and explore, assist students through guidance, advice and other ways, and let students express their opinions in the form of language or words through their own observation and understanding, which can also strengthen their language ability [2]. In fact, most logical reasoning in this period is based on images. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the explanation and analysis of images in teaching. For example, the most common mind map is actually an excellent way to cultivate students' thinking ability. When teaching, teachers guide students to draw such maps and choose typical maps for explanation, which is very effective for students' thinking cultivation. Take Northwest China, where desertification is more serious, as an example, we will analyze the objective and subjective factors, human factors and natural factors, inevitable factors and accidental factors that cause desertification, and guide students to use mind maps to draw various factors in this part. This painting process can exercise students' logical thinking, The logic of mind mapping is very strong, and the mapping of painting can help students better remember and understand this part of knowledge.

3、 Conclusion

In a word, teachers should be aware of the drawbacks of traditional geography teaching and the current educational environment. With the change of the proportion of test questions, only basic knowledge can not meet the needs of the examination. They must cultivate students' geographical thinking, and start with in-depth research on the content of textbooks and changes in teaching methods to arrange the content of textbooks in a more logical form, And highlight the main position of students, actively explore and strengthen the cultivation of students' logical thinking.


[1] Zhang Lixia. On the Cultivation of Students' Map Reading Ability in High School Geography Teaching [J]. Urban Geography, 2016 (12)

[2] Zhao Jun. How to Improve Students' Geographical Logical Thinking in High School Geography Teaching [J]. Arts and Science Navigation, 2016 (8)

Author: Wang Lilong Unit: No. 1 Middle School, Lixian County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

Part III: Exploration of Stratified Teaching of Geography in Senior High School

Abstract: With the continuous popularization and application of the new curriculum reform in the field of education, teachers are increasingly respecting the individual differences of students. In order to maximize the teaching activities close to the real learning situation of students, teachers can adopt the hierarchical teaching model, develop different teaching objectives, teaching strategies, classroom feedback Teaching evaluation and extracurricular extension to improve teaching efficiency, which is also the main content that the author will explore with you. Key words: high school geography; Hierarchical teaching; Exploration Practice


Hierarchical teaching is a common teaching method in senior high school teaching activities. The reasonable application of hierarchical teaching in geography classroom teaching can enable students with different learning levels to get the most reasonable teaching guidance, which is conducive to helping students build a good teaching atmosphere and improve their academic performance. Next, the author will focus on the main content of hierarchical teaching, and take geography teaching in high school as an example to elaborate in detail, hoping that the following suggestions can be beneficial to relevant educators.

1、 Basic overview

Hierarchical teaching method usually refers to that educators divide students into several different groups according to their knowledge level, learning ability and other factors, and then formulate different teaching plans for different groups, so as to achieve significant improvement in the learning achievements of students at different levels.

2、 Layered teaching application

Taking the geography discipline of high school as an example, teachers can first assess the level of geographical knowledge of students before conducting hierarchical teaching, and divide students into three groups according to the assessment results, namely Group A, Group B and Group C. Among them, students in Group A have high learning ability, strong enthusiasm and solid foundation in geography; students in Group B have medium learning ability, strong enthusiasm and general foundation; students in Group C have low learning ability, weak enthusiasm and poor foundation.

(1) Teaching goal stratification

Teachers can formulate the most appropriate teaching goals based on the level of knowledge received by students at different levels, so that students at different levels can better realize their self-worth within the scope of the goals. For example, when teachers explain the content of the course "The Sun's Impact on the Earth", they can level the teaching objectives: Group A students should further inquire about extra-curricular materials for deeper exploration on the basis of mastering the knowledge points of the course content; Group B students should be proficient in textbook knowledge and be able to apply it skillfully; Group C students should understand and master the basic knowledge points in the textbook. When formulating teaching goals, teachers should adhere to the basic principle of sequential introduction, so that each student can achieve the set goals in a relatively short time, increase their self-confidence, and improve their enthusiasm [1].

(2) Stratification of teaching strategies

Because there are certain differences in the learning ability of students at different levels, teachers need to formulate corresponding teaching strategies according to the learning efficiency of students. For example, when teachers explain the content of the course "The Integrity of Natural Geographic Environment", they can level the teaching strategies: the teaching focus for group A students is to help students answer questions and solve some other extra-curricular extension questions related to the course content; The key point of teaching group B students is to point out the difficult points of the course content; The teaching focus for group C students is to explain the basic knowledge points in the course content in detail.

(3) Classroom feedback layering

Classroom feedback is not only a test of classroom teaching effect, but also a measure to help students further consolidate their knowledge. Teachers can also make targeted choices for the selection of classroom feedback exercise topics. For example, when the teacher explains the content of the course "Regional Types of Agriculture Mainly Planting", he can level the classroom feedback: Group A students' classroom feedback exercises mainly focus on comprehensive questions, such as the similarities and differences of commodity grain agriculture in different countries; Class feedback exercises of group B students mainly focus on improvement questions, such as analyzing the influencing factors of different agricultural regions; Class feedback exercises of group C students mainly focus on basic questions, such as distinguishing the characteristics of commodity grain agriculture.

(4) Teaching evaluation hierarchy

Regular evaluation of the course content of students can not only reveal the learning situation of students in a specific period, but also help teachers to identify the problems of students at all levels in learning, so that teachers can better adjust the corresponding teaching plan and improve the teaching efficiency [2]. For example, when teachers explain the content of the course "Comprehensive Development of Watersheds - Taking the Tennessee River Basin in the United States as an Example", they can level the teaching evaluation: the evaluation content of group A students is mainly based on in-depth thinking of knowledge points in the textbook; The assessment content of group B students mainly focuses on the skillful use of knowledge points in the textbook; The assessment content of group C students mainly focuses on the proficient memory of knowledge points in textbooks.

(5) Extra curricular extension and stratification

In order to further let students realize the charm of geography, teachers can appropriately extend the geographical knowledge points in textbooks after class on the premise of completing the basic teaching tasks, so as to stimulate students' interest in inquiry. For example, when teachers explain the content of the course "Application of Geographic Information Technology in Regional Geographic Environment Research", they can level the extension of teaching after class: Group A students can learn more about some professional books and materials related to geographic information technology to guide students to think deeply; Group B students can watch some documentaries related to geographic information technology to cultivate their interest in geography; Group C students can conduct extracurricular extension by querying some news information related to geographic information technology, which is easy to be accepted by students.

3、 Conclusion

The traditional geography teaching activities generally adopt the same teaching method for all students. The disadvantage of this unified teaching is that it can not meet the curiosity of high-level students, but also makes it difficult for low-level students to follow the teaching progress. In the long run, it will make the overall teaching efficiency low and seriously affect the enthusiasm of students to treat geography. The hierarchical teaching model can effectively improve this teaching situation, implement the teaching principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and enable each student to achieve the highest efficiency in learning within a reasonable range, so as to achieve ideal learning results.


[1] Ma Yunfei. Some Thoughts on the Implementation of Hierarchical Teaching Method in High School Geography Teaching [J]. Mingshi Online, 2016 (09): 34-36

Chapter 4: High School Geography Teaching Model

[Abstract] In the current information age, the traditional teaching methods can no longer meet the current students' needs for knowledge. What students really need is the ability to acquire knowledge and solve practical problems. Classroom teaching is not the only way to acquire knowledge. Teachers' teaching should change from "teaching people to fish" to "teaching people to fish". Teachers should keep pace with the development of the times, adapt to the needs of education and teaching in the new era, design effective strategies for situational teaching, and improve the effectiveness of geography teaching.

[Key words] High school geography; Situation creation; Effective application

The use of situational creation in senior high school geography teaching means that in the teaching process, teachers create some vivid and specific scenes to make students feel "immersive", help students understand and absorb the geographical knowledge they have learned, so that students can further develop their learning ability and improve their discipline quality. Using situational teaching method to stimulate students' interest in learning, mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, and guide students to learn actively will play a positive role in students' emotional education and fully tap the educational function of geography.

1、 The Significance of Situation Creation in Senior High School Geography Teaching

High school geography classroom teaching adopts situational teaching method, which can guide students to quickly integrate into the classroom. When constructing the teaching situation, teachers can use life events, demonstration demonstration, multimedia and other forms to make abstract knowledge more specific, more accessible to students, and more efficient in teaching.

(1) Situation creation can stimulate students' interest in learning

When creating the situation, teachers should effectively combine the teaching content with students' learning situation, create a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere, mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, and make them actively participate in learning activities. Educator Tituohui once said: "The art of teaching is not to teach students' skills, but to encourage, awaken and inspire." Therefore, in actual teaching activities, teachers should build efficient geography classes, pay attention to the cultivation of students' learning interests, so as to effectively improve students' learning efficiency and improve the quality of classroom teaching. Interest is the best teacher for students. There are many ways to learn happily, among which scenario creation is the most effective one. Therefore, the creation of the right situation can fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, cultivate students' innovative awareness and knowledge application ability [1]. When teaching Hunan Education Press Senior High School Geography Compulsory Course 1, Chapter 2, Section 1, Water Features, teachers can design a teaching situation that runs through the whole lesson: "What landforms will you see when you travel along the Yangtze River from the upstream to the estuary of the Yangtze River? How did these landforms form step by step in the long history?" The Yangtze River is a topic that students are familiar with and interested in, Students are immediately attracted by the teacher's questions and actively participate in the discussion. The classroom atmosphere is active and the teaching efficiency is extremely high.

(2) Situation creation can improve classroom effectiveness

Under the background of the new curriculum standard, the new college entrance examination and the new teaching materials, if the high school geography class still adopts the "indoctrination" teaching mode, it will inevitably lead students to feel that geography learning is boring, and the classroom will become a classroom for teachers alone. Only when teachers and students communicate and infect each other can we effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. The creation of situational teaching can achieve a win-win situation for teachers and students, mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning geography, and maximize teachers' work efficiency and teaching quality. Situational teaching enables students to integrate cognition and emotion while acquiring new knowledge, so as to achieve "you in me, you in me" and personal feelings can also be sublimated. This not only reflects the complementation of rationality and sensibility, but also allows the tacit cooperation between IQ and EQ; It not only realizes the emotional interaction between teachers and students, but also achieves the teaching purpose of combining teaching with pleasure. Integrating situational teaching into senior high school geography class makes geography teaching easier and more active, thus significantly improving the teaching effect [2].

2、 Effective Application of Situation Creation in High School Geography Teaching

(1) Use multimedia technology to create situations and attract students' attention

The knowledge of geography is relatively abstract, which is not easy for students to understand. Therefore, teachers should use multimedia technology to visually and vividly display geographical phenomena, so that students can feel as if they are in it. The classroom teaching becomes real and has a sense of substitution, which is convenient for students to understand abstract geographical knowledge. Such classroom teaching can fully attract students' attention, deepen their impression of geographical knowledge in their minds, and improve their learning efficiency. In addition, multimedia courseware is carefully designed and prepared by teachers in advance when preparing lessons. Therefore, the effect of situation creation is very good and plays an important role in assisting teachers in geography teaching. In addition, in the learning process, teachers can encourage students to actively focus on social hot spots, collect relevant geographical knowledge, use geographical knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems in life, and exercise students' knowledge application ability [3]. For example, when teaching the content of "Earthquake, Debris Flow and Landslide in China" in Section 3, Chapter 2 of Senior High School Geography Compulsory Course 5 of Hunan Education Press, teachers can first use the video to show students relevant news pictures before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan, to show the abnormal manifestations of some animals before the earthquake and the serious disasters caused by the earthquake in this area. Show real pictures in front of students to stimulate students' awareness of learning subject and make them more interested in learning. At the same time, teachers' teaching effect has been significantly improved.

(2) Use classroom activities to create situations and improve students' learning enthusiasm

Geography is a subject with strong practicality. There are many problems with inquiry significance in the teaching materials. Teachers can effectively combine them with the classroom teaching content, create teaching situations in classroom activities, mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, guide students to actively study and discuss, and then improve their cooperative inquiry ability [4]. For example, when teaching the content of Hunan Education Press Senior High School Geography Compulsory Course II, Chapter 1, Section 1, Population Growth Pattern, teachers can create a situation through classroom teaching activities to deepen students' understanding and cognition of this chapter. Teachers can find the birth rate, death rate, natural growth rate and other data of different countries and regions in recent years from within the textbook or through network search, lead students to present these data in groups by drawing broken line statistical charts, pie charts and other ways, and let students analyze and discuss them based on these data. In this lively, specific and interesting classroom practice activity, students' enthusiasm for learning is fully stimulated, which increases their desire to explore, urges them to fully understand the connotation and significance of birth rate, mortality rate, natural growth rate and population model, master the main content of the chapter of population growth model, and then improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. In a word, teachers should create good classroom activities for students in combination with specific classroom teaching content, so that students can strengthen their understanding and understanding of geographical knowledge in the process of hands-on practice and personal participation, and effectively improve the quality of classroom teaching.

(3) Creating Problem Situations to Improve Students' Interest in Learning

The creation of problem situations refers to the purposeful and conscious creation of various situations by teachers to encourage students to doubt problems, thus triggering interest in learning and exploring relevant knowledge. At this time, the teacher should take the setting problem as the center of teaching, pay attention to some geographical phenomena in daily life, and design the problem with a certain degree of inspiration, challenge and authenticity, which can arouse students' interest in inquiry. The question in the question situation does not necessarily have to get the so-called fixed answer. It is mainly to arouse students' thinking and cultivate their thinking awareness and ability. For example, when explaining the influence of global climate change on human activities in Section 2, Chapter 4, Geography Compulsory Course 1 of Senior High School of Hunan Education Press, teachers should first let students understand the impact of changes in external conditions of nature on human activities. With the gradual warming of the global climate, human economic activities and living conditions are affected. At the same time, this hot issue has attracted the attention of all countries in the world. Therefore, when creating the problem situation of this lesson, the teacher can put forward relevant questions layer by layer. First, let students find out the causes of climate change, and then guide students to analyze the impact of global warming on human activities and the earth environment according to literature, charts and other data. First, the teacher asked: "What impact will global warming have on the ecosystem? What impact do you think global sea level rise will have?" At the same time, by introducing that the average altitude of Maldives is only one meter at present, facing the danger of being submerged by seawater at any time, the current El Nino phenomenon The frequent occurrence of La Nina phenomenon and the death of many corals in the Pacific Ocean shows that the climate is gradually warming, and students can deepen their understanding of the classroom content with rich practical examples. Then, the teacher played a video for students to show the impact of global warming on nature and human society, and let students discuss in groups to get the discussion results. Finally, the teacher summarized the reasons for the rise of sea level caused by global warming: First, the rising temperature led to the slow melting of glaciers. Second, the temperature rise is caused by the thermal expansion of the ocean itself.

(4) Using Maps to Create Situations and Cultivate Students' Comprehensive Thinking

From the perspective of content, maps are divided into general maps and thematic maps, and those that can comprehensively reflect the overall characteristics of the region are general maps. Thematic maps mainly reflect the distribution of a certain geographical element or a certain theme, including natural and human maps. Natural maps include landform, climate, soil, etc., while human maps include industry, agriculture, population, transportation, etc. These maps describe the spatial distribution of various geographical elements. The correct choice of maps is the prerequisite for creating situations and cultivating students' comprehensive thinking ability. The selected map shall have clear title and distinct longitude and latitude. The classification and annotation of points, lines and surfaces in the legend make the map present geographical things in an orderly manner, which is convenient for students to accurately and comprehensively extract information, quickly locate space, accurately describe the spatial distribution of geographical events or elements, analyze regional space in combination with the elements given in the legend, and obtain the differences of regional characteristics by comparing the differences of elements in the region. When analyzing the factors affecting the distribution of geographical events or elements, teachers can first give a distribution map of geographical events or elements, focus on several different regions, and then use arrows to point to the main map to guide students to think about the factors affecting the distribution of geographical events, Explore the reasons why this geographical phenomenon is different in these regions. In this way, students can be guided to use various thematic maps to analyze problems, enhance their understanding of various geographical elements, and cultivate their comprehensive thinking ability. For example, when teaching Hunan Education Press Senior High School Geography Compulsory 1, Chapter 3, Section 3, Differences in Natural Geographic Environment, teachers can first show the distribution map of China's natural belts, and then show the maps of China's climate, vegetation and soil types, so that students can think about and analyze the distribution rules of China's natural belts and the reasons for the differences in natural landscapes around the country. Through the creation of this situation, students can analyze the causes of differences in natural zones from the perspective of climate and soil conditions, which is conducive to students' comprehensive thinking.

(5) Create living situations to promote students' learning for practical use

Many senior high school geography knowledge, especially geographical concepts, is relatively abstract, which is difficult for students to understand, let alone use. Teachers can create a living situation, let students learn geographical knowledge in a familiar environment, effectively combine theoretical knowledge with practical application, and cultivate students' ability to use knowledge to solve practical problems. In the geography classroom teaching of high school, constructing problem situations can stimulate students' desire to explore, improve their learning motivation, cultivate their imagination, and deepen their understanding of geography knowledge. In the actual situation construction, the creation of life situation is the most practical and easiest one. Clouds in the sky and rain on the ground are geographical phenomena in life. Teachers should be good at grasping these materials related to life, make reasonable use of them in classroom teaching, help students to understand geographical common sense in life in depth, and be able to fully use what they have learned to explain geographical phenomena in life. For example, when teaching Hunan Education Press Senior High School Geography Compulsory Course 1, Chapter 1, Section 3, Movement of the Earth, teachers can help students master the knowledge of the earth's revolution by combining the phenomenon of day night alternation in life, the phenomenon of the earth's rotation and the change of seasons due to time differences. Through such a living situation, we can optimize the design of classroom introduction, improve students' enthusiasm for active thinking, and then effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. For another example, when explaining the contents related to the formation of industrial and agricultural layout and traffic layout in the regional industrial activities in Chapter 3 of the geography compulsory course II of senior high school in Hunan Education Press, teachers can guide students to observe the subway track setting around the city, analyze the layout of agriculture and industry in the region, deeply understand the relationship between geographical knowledge and life, and make students understand the importance of geography, Guide them to apply what they have learned.

(6) Create inquiry situation and induce students' inquiry psychology

In the context inquiry teaching carried out in the geography class of high school, teachers should pay attention to the construction of the inquiry situation and stimulate students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge. In order to ensure the effectiveness of inquiry teaching, teachers should, based on the teaching objectives and the actual situation of students, create inquiry teaching situations, create a good atmosphere for inquiry, prepare for the development of inquiry activities, so as to effectively carry out inquiry learning activities and cultivate students' good inquiry thinking. For example, when teaching the principle of forming thermal circulation in the atmospheric environment in the second section of the second chapter of the compulsory high school geography of Hunan Education Press, in the classroom introduction link, in order to stimulate students' desire for learning and enthusiasm for inquiry, teachers can attract students' attention with the help of the inquiry situation to pave the way for future teaching. First of all, the teacher can introduce the story of "burning the valley above" in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: when Zhuge Liang attacked the State of Wei for the sixth time, he confronted Sima Yi in Weishui. Zhuge Liang lured Sima Yi into the valley above by using a series of tricks, and lit the firewood prepared in the valley above, causing heavy losses to the Wei army. Sima Yi's father and son were surrounded by the sea of fire and had nowhere to hide. At this time, it rained heavily and the fire went out. Sima Yi and his army escaped. While the interesting story aroused the curiosity of the students, the teacher introduced the question: what saved Sima Yi and his son was a sudden heavy rain, so what was the reason for the heavy rain? At the same time, the teacher shows students the movement of air above hot water and ice, guides students to explore the causes of air movement, and helps students understand the causes of thermal circulation with the help of videos. This kind of inquiry teaching situation effectively attracts students' learning attention and lays the foundation for later learning activities.

3、 Conclusion

The creation of geography teaching situation is the inevitable trend of the development of the new curriculum standard teaching, and it is also an indispensable new teaching method in geography teaching. Its purpose is to make students stay in it, give full play to their imagination, and then improve their understanding and memory abilities. The effective application of situational teaching has greatly improved students' interest in learning and aroused their enthusiasm for learning. In geography teaching, teachers should first understand the basic principles of situation creation, and stimulate the enthusiasm of students to participate according to their daily life and classroom teaching content. In the creation of geographical situation in senior high school, teachers should inspire students' thinking by using multimedia, creating life situation, carrying out problem-based teaching and inquiry based teaching, so as to make geographical knowledge learning simple and easy and greatly improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

Author: Zhu Yanyan

High School Geography Teaching Part 2

Geography in high school is a science oriented subject, so it will be difficult for liberal arts students. In addition, some students have low interest in geography and are unwilling to take the initiative to learn geography. Teachers should pay attention to this phenomenon and make changes to the teaching plan. Creating a situation has a certain effect on improving the efficiency of classroom teaching and stimulating students' interest in learning. In this paper, the author will discuss the application and practical significance of this teaching method.

1、 Create question situations with different questions

Influenced by traditional teaching concepts, some teachers are keen on instilling knowledge directly into students, ignoring the cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability. At the same time, under the pressure of exam oriented education, students must consolidate their knowledge through a lot of practice and recitation. But in fact, most students cannot really understand the connotation of relevant knowledge, nor can they apply what they have learned to life. Under the traditional teaching mode, teachers often only pay attention to whether the teaching plan can be completed in the classroom, so that students' innovative thinking can not be cultivated and exercised. Therefore, teachers should adjust teaching methods, consciously cultivate students' ability of independent innovation, guide students to explore actively by asking questions, and thus stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning geography. For example, when teaching about climate, the teacher asks students to describe the weather of the day before class, so as to summarize the local climate characteristics. In addition, teachers can ask students whether they know the weather conditions in other regions and summarize the climate characteristics. Finally, introduce the different climates in different regions to the students, and then introduce the theme of the class - climate. It can be seen that before classroom teaching, teachers can design some questions for students to pave the way for the next classroom teaching. Geography knowledge is relatively abstract, so students can better understand the relevant content from their daily life.

2、 Creating Problem Situations by Image Means

Teachers can introduce visualized questions in the classroom, thus improving the situation that students are difficult to understand abstract knowledge. High school geography needs to master more content, so it is difficult for students to fully understand the meaning of some knowledge. Therefore, teachers should adopt some methods to transform abstract knowledge into concrete and vivid situations. For example, when a teacher is teaching about the terrain of our country, he shows students the characteristics of different terrain and its specific location in our country through some models, so that students can fully understand the relevant knowledge points in the three-dimensional model and deepen their impression. It should be pointed out that teachers can also design some question situations with suspense to guide students to actively seek answers, so that students can master relevant knowledge more deeply. For example, when students accidentally find that something in life is different from the description in the textbook, they ask the teacher for confirmation. At this time, the teacher should ask the students whether they know the reason and let them find the answer by themselves. Students, out of their own doubts, more actively consult the information, thus improving their learning ability.

3、 Creating Problem Situations with Multimedia

Situational experiential teaching requires teachers to create a situation for students related to what they learned on that day, stimulate students' interest in learning, make them take the initiative to learn, and then improve students' geography learning level. When carrying out teaching activities, teachers should design some questions to guide students to participate in the classroom. While learning textbook knowledge, teachers can apply what they have learned to life and organically combine theory with practice. For example, when a teacher is teaching the relevant content of the urban internal spatial structure, he plays some situations of the internal space of big cities through multimedia, and puts forward questions such as "what are the characteristics of the spatial structure of his hometown city", so as to help students better understand and master relevant knowledge in a way close to life. In this way, on the one hand, students can deepen their understanding of theory from the reality of life, and on the other hand, students can analyze the phenomenon in daily life through learning theory. With the development of the times, multimedia has become an important auxiliary tool for teaching. Multimedia has been widely used in classroom teaching, and has been praised by teachers and students alike. High school geography teachers should update their educational concepts, create teaching situations with a sense of experience for students by using multimedia, then ignite students' learning passion, stimulate students to participate in classroom learning activities, improve the level and quality of classroom teaching, help students reduce the difficulty of learning, and deepen their understanding of knowledge. Therefore, high school geography teachers can create situations in classroom teaching to improve classroom efficiency to a certain extent, enhance students' enthusiasm for geography learning, and at the same time, cultivate and exercise students' team cooperation ability and communication ability. In a word, for senior high school students, some of the geography knowledge is abstract. Therefore, teachers can guide students to learn effectively through the creation of problem situations in teaching, thus making it an effective platform for guiding students to learn independently.

Author: Suo Weiran Unit: Xinyi No. 3 Middle School, Jiangsu Province

High School Geography Teaching 3

The thinking in teaching focuses on the ideological activities of students in the process of learning to complete the internal cognitive updating process by means of receiving, transforming, analyzing, comparing, summarizing, etc. various knowledge information. At present, geography teaching in high school is not limited to the cultivation of basic thinking ability based on curriculum knowledge, but on this basis, the extension, reflection, creation, etc. of diversified thinking with curriculum content as the core, promoting the development of students' thinking ability to a higher level.

1、 Build diversified scenarios

Students in senior high school have obvious learning preferences and personality psychology. Therefore, in the case of strong correlation between their thinking activity and curriculum learning interest, cultivating students' thinking ability is particularly critical. Therefore, teachers can promote students to effectively improve high-level thinking ability in the framework designed by teachers by constructing diversified situations in classroom teaching. For example, teachers can use multimedia courseware or micro video to integrate the life elements related to the curriculum and the resulting problems into the context. In this process, under the guidance of the context content, students can spontaneously mobilize their original cognitive structure and geographical knowledge reserves, build the connection between new and old knowledge, and then in the process of transferring new and old knowledge, start from the overall geographical knowledge level, sort out and summarize the curriculum content, and form new internal cognition. While exercising high-level thinking ability, It also creates favorable conditions for subsequent classroom learning.

2、 Optimize the form of course learning activities

Under the new trend of educational development, geography teaching in senior high school is no longer limited to a specific form of learning activities in which teachers play an absolute leading role and students passively complete various classroom learning tasks. This kind of teaching mechanism is not conducive to the cultivation of teachers' high-level thinking ability. For this reason, teachers can provide students with a variety of ways to extend their thinking and achieve the corresponding teaching goals through rich classroom learning activities in combination with students' own learning and cognitive development laws and the training requirements of high-level thinking ability. For example, with the help of micro class videos, teachers can let students preview classroom knowledge independently before class, and take the group as a unit, first explore independently, then report, and the teacher and other groups will evaluate. Compared with the traditional geography teaching mode, this teaching activity form can provide more space for students to extend their thinking, so that they can choose appropriate geographical materials, improve the group learning content, and effectively improve their high-level thinking ability under the driving of their own geographical thinking.

3、 Flexible use of classroom questions

Chapter 5: High School Geography Teaching Model

Under the background of exam oriented education, students' mastery of local geography knowledge is one-sided and rough. Therefore, teachers must try their best to link textbooks with local reality in the teaching process, and impart knowledge to students skillfully and appropriately. In this way, high school students can better understand book knowledge and learn a lot of local geography knowledge. Local knowledge is simple and kind, with strong realism and practicality. It is easy to arouse the curiosity and interest of high school students, stimulate the enthusiasm of learning geography, gradually increase the enthusiasm of loving home and motherland, and establish the ambition of contributing to the construction of hometown. It is by no means easy to form a consciousness to establish a feeling. Local geography teaching in junior high school is far from enough, nor can it be achieved by using several rural land science classes or several field activities. It needs a long time of edification and effective education methods to achieve. Therefore, the implementation of local geography teaching cannot be limited to the junior high school stage, but should run through the whole geography teaching in the junior and senior high school stages. Among them, the significance of high school is more important. On the whole, senior high school students are better than junior high school students in terms of knowledge base, cognitive ability, life experience and observation and analysis ability. Through local geography teaching in senior high school, senior high school students can improve their geographical understanding of their hometown and become familiar with relevant geographical characteristics and the development advantages of their hometown. At the same time, it can also carry out independent research activities under the guidance of teachers. Through the investigation, research and evaluation of a problem in my hometown, I propose specific solutions and suggestions for the development of my hometown. It is difficult for junior high school students to do this. In addition, if a senior high school student fails to go to college, he will be a member of the construction of his hometown in the near future. According to the cultural composition of the current society, many high school students will become the management of the relevant departments of hometown construction at all levels within a few years after graduation. Therefore, strengthening their local geography teaching is, in a sense, strengthening the local awareness, overall awareness and environmental awareness of the future managers of their hometown, which will contribute to the construction and development of the future local.

2、 The Importance of Developing Local Education

(1) Improve students' interest in geography

Geography lessons can arouse students' interest in learning, so that they can actively participate in learning. Generally, experienced geography teachers will not give lectures rigidly, but will actively combine various examples or local realities to enliven the classroom atmosphere as much as possible, so that students will be excited, and even students will strongly demand the establishment of a second geography classroom. This is because the knowledge of local geography stimulates students' interest, which extends from inside the class to outside the class. Through extra-curricular local geography activities, students' enthusiasm for classroom teaching is strengthened. Students often encounter problems that they cannot solve in practical activities, and they will have to learn and then lament their lack of knowledge. The learning interest formed through local geography teaching may become a booster for students to invest in the geosciences of the motherland in the future. According to practice, one's ambition is usually established in middle school. Teachers play a key role in the process of students choosing the future development direction. This is the significance of implementing local geography teaching, and also the value of our high school geography teachers.

(2) Improve students' geographical practice ability and strengthen their innovative consciousness

Local geography teaching is closely related to students' life, which is convenient to organically link theoretical knowledge with practical activities. One of the teaching objectives of the new curriculum reform is to cultivate students' exploration and innovation ability. Geography teaching has the following characteristics: large space and time span, strong social practicality, teaching openness, etc. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers should select various natural or social hot issues that are close to life and related to the local, provide students with the best exploration atmosphere, and stimulate their innovation awareness. For example, after learning the process of urbanization, the author asked students to carry out group inquiry activities and set the following questions: (1) observation and analysis, when is the local traffic congestion usually in a day; (2) Where is the most crowded road section and how many traffic policemen are equipped? (3) Excluding buses, what are the most crowded vehicles? (4) Please use your knowledge to propose the best solution and explain the reason. Through inquiry practice, not only has the students' exploration ability been exercised, but also their innovative consciousness and ability have been increased.

(3) Let students establish the concept of sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development is the concept formed by people's gradual reflection in the process of development. To establish the concept of sustainable development, we should fully link theory with practice. Through local geography teaching, an important platform is built for students to connect geography theory with relevant practice. Through various geographical practice activities, students can actually experience the role of geographical knowledge, recognize the interaction between man and nature, and initially form the concept of sustainable development.

3、 Effective ways to implement local education

(1) Use classroom teaching penetration

1. Use local geographical materials to visualize and live the geographical laws, principles and phenomena

In view of the abstract concepts, laws, principles and phenomena of many geographical knowledge, it is difficult for senior high school students to understand. Therefore, teachers should be good at using local geographical materials in teaching design, so as to make knowledge concrete, visual and life oriented, facilitate students' understanding, and thus improve their interest in learning. For example, when teaching agricultural location factors, the author considers the use of local geographical materials to carry out teaching. Ask students to talk about familiar agricultural activities, and then guide them to analyze which are the main factors affecting the distribution. It not only promotes the classroom atmosphere, but also arouses the enthusiasm of students to participate, so that they can exercise their thinking ability and increase their knowledge in a relaxed learning atmosphere. The author also combines the visualization of local materials to solve the teaching difficulties. For example, when learning about the causes of urban internal spatial structure, students can quickly understand by selecting specific local geographical materials to explain various causes. When talking about the distance from the city center, the author asked students to investigate and study the rent of three local shopping malls in advance. In class, the author first shows the distribution cylinder diagram of local main roads, and then students report the survey results and discuss. Finally, the conclusion is that the closer to the city center, the higher the land price, and the more commercial land.

2. Solve local geographical problems according to the knowledge learned

Guide students to explore and solve practical local geographical problems according to various principles and laws learned, so as to consolidate knowledge. In the process of implementing the teaching of human geography, students should really feel that they are learning useful knowledge. For example, when learning the urban spatial structure, the author provides the local map and the map of Beijing for students to judge by themselves. When explaining the city hierarchy, first provide the urban population of Kunming, the population data of cities and counties at different levels, and then ask students to judge. Finally, they understand that Kunming is a megacity and its population size ranks first. In this way, they can also easily understand the important knowledge points and internal relations, including city level, population size, population density, economic development level, etc.

3. Local geography materials should highlight interest and arouse students' interest in learning

People have a special feeling for their hometown, especially students. They hope to have a deep understanding of the geography of their hometown. Therefore, it can highlight the interest of local geography teaching and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. For example, when learning about agricultural location selection, the author designed the following questions to guide students to think: (1) At the beginning of spring every year, farmers are thinking about what crops should be planted better. Can you think of ways to give them ideas? In our country, many farmers grow rice for a long time. Is this right? (2) What crops are planted on a piece of land and what factors are involved? (3) Think about whether it is reasonable for the local people to take rice as the main production crop. (4) Let the students in the countryside talk about the disadvantages of parents' hard work in growing rice at home? The student replied: hard work, no money. Teacher: Why? Student answer: This is determined by the regional factors of agriculture. (5) The teacher provides local crop planting materials and asks students to think, "If you are a farmer, how do you plan to develop agriculture?"

Through the above questions, especially the last divergent question, the students discussed with interest. After class, students also learned how farmers should become farmers, how to plant good land, and how to promote agricultural development. At the same time, they also realized that their parents, because of their low culture, did not know how to use new ideas to look at agricultural production and only knew how to follow the steps, so it was difficult to get rid of poverty and become rich. Through learning, students not only increase their love for their hometown, but also develop their ability to solve practical problems.

4. Let the students tell the familiar local geography materials in combination with the teaching materials

Some students have personal experience of some textbook knowledge. If we let them speak from their own experience, other students will be easily convinced, so as to improve the teaching effectiveness. For example, when learning about the types of agricultural regions in the world, the most common type of agricultural regions in the region is rice planting. The author selects students who grow rice at home to explain the process of planting rice for us. At the same time, the students were asked to interview the student on the spot to learn about the rice planting scale, yield, irrigation, sales, etc., which really increased the agricultural knowledge of the students living in the city, and they were also very impressed with the knowledge.

(2) Strengthen extra-curricular activities

Physics, chemistry and biology can not be separated from experiments. Similarly, field investigation and social investigation have very positive significance for geography teaching. Through extra-curricular activities, students can start from the surrounding environment to carry out local geography learning activities, so as to see from a small area to a large area, and integrate the knowledge learned. Generally, teachers can design problems related to teaching and arrange students to carry out inquiry learning after class.

1. Organize special inquiry practice activities

Through this kind of activity, geography teaching can return to life teaching. Let high school students carry out group inquiry activities on a local geographical problem or phenomenon. Let them apply what they have learned to life, and then improve it from life practice. Such activities explore a wide range, including various natural things or related phenomena related to human living environment. Teachers should choose the theme of inquiry, so as to improve students' inquiry ability and comprehensive ability. For example, when learning the lesson of urbanization, the author requires students to observe and investigate in advance, analyze what significant changes are there in the local area, and what are the impacts of these changes? Through the student's report, we can see that there are great changes in the environment, transportation, urban land use and population. This makes students understand that the pace of urbanization is accelerating, and they also realize that there are many problems that need to be solved urgently while the economy is making progress.